
The Tempo was never let down by its handling. In fact it did handle well, considering what else was in the market space. The Tempo had indipendant suspension at all corners. The transmission was fragile and the engine made little power, those were the down falls. But Jackie is right when talking about handling.

@TurboBrick [LIGIER]: Well said. As a former owners of a Tempo, mine was a second gen, I found it better than the cars it went up a against. It wasn't a good car by today's standards, but we have very high standards.

@Skunky: That was stock.

Again, proof that Loti are the ultimate swap cars.

These people had a paint fight. One of them lost badly.

Lovely car, but high miles.

Wow, glad no one died.

The growing up as a kid in the early 80's. It was a the true peak of car shows. While there was an earlier peak for crazy cars (like the Batmobile, Monkey-mobile, Dragula, etc). The 80's gave us cars that that were accessible.

Is that John Delorean in the back ground? The real king is not dead!!! It is almost like and Elvis sighting .

I'm always knocked out by 2 things.

It is true, the women in the car related crazy women stories are getting better looking.

I have to see it to judge. An upscale viper is doable, but I still like the first RT-10s.

I think that is great. While the guy is not a car guy, he is obviously a man that doesn't believe on spending every cent he gets.

@Cloud81918: Posting images isn't working on my end. Oh well, you can all use Google.

Old, full size, light trucks.

@magista: Winner. This is what I was going to say. You should keep it Italian and this would be just insane enough, yet strangely dialed back to just this side of stupid.

I'm surprised by the amount of body movement.

Another one. I saw one this weekend. Very rare in the states.

@Mazarin: That is a pretty rare one. I have only seen that combo in a magazine.