@smackela: I owned one. They weren't too bad. They got the HO 2.3 which made 99HP via a slightly hotter cam. The rear end was failure prone though. My rear broke didn't even bother to replace it.
Love it
Haven't watched it all yet, but I already love it. Thanks for posting this up.
@Matt White: You are absolutely right that the carb should be on the other side. But that is what is so much fun with old engines. It was less fun when Dodge decided it was a good idea again back in the early 80's with the 2.2.
@Matt White: It certainly isn't the best but on a super charger is is less of an issue than a turbo.
@Matt White: Triple duces are awesome. Even more awesome when feeding a supercharger.
Let's all vote party lines, that will help.
@bugattatra - Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?: So sorry about your eyes. It looks like a hot woman in a set of leather thigh-highs to me; But I've been told I need a therapist.
@superveloce: Ehhh, BMWs are bought by both people that know and people that follow. I thought they were poser too until we bought one for my wife (97 E36 328i) . Now I wish it were my car. It does everything well and that really is amazing. I haven't owned another car that was so well balanced. Everything about it is…
@VeeArrrSix: You beat me to it.
@smackela: That a very perceptive take on it. I think your right. It seems like the GM dev groups have a certain amount of cash per year and have to show constant improvements. They aren't interested in a run away hit as they are with a slow and steady march into the dealership.
In all fairness she had to haul 7 teen and pre-teens around in an Escalade. If that were my job I'd show up drunk and hope to get fired. If I didn't get fired on site, I'd quit.
$200K anyone driving one should be ticketed for being stupid. A person could hire a person to build a similar custom machine for way less than that. Or you could buy one of many more capable less expensive machines.
@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: This should be in for sure.
@thebluepill: All of the reviews say to think of this as a car right between the civic and the Civic Si. I'd say that is good company.