
Nuns have been mistreated - not just by individual priests or mothers superior, but by the church as an institution. Oftentimes, as so many stories that came out of the Irish work houses betrayed, nuns themselves became abusers.

This is not a sarcastic reply. The GOP has all the cards and they don’t care what we say. But they care what corporations say. We have to apply pressure to corporations to speak out on every social issue that is on the horizon. We need to turn our backs on every company that is not a vocal advocate for women’s rights,

This thread pretty much says it all for me (twitter link follows my screenshots):

They seem bitter. It’s like they enjoy the ‘haters’ more than people who actually like them:/

THAT’S WHY IT’S CONDESCENDING. We already know we need to be hypervigilant in every possible situation because men act like wild fucking animals. To continue repeating it is unhelpful, condescending, clueless, and irritating. So if you really care about women, stop it. If you care more about ignoring what we’re

It’s darling that you think this comment somehow makes things better.

I honestly think you mean well, but besides your family, women at large don’t need your advice. We know way more about this kind of stuff than you guys do. Maybe listen to us when we say you’re not helping?

The point is that WE KNOW. WE KNOW ALREADY. We are aware. We are much smaller than you and men have proven themselves to be dangerous in a myriad of situations, so WE KNOW. The advice is irritating because WE KNOW and have known our entire lives while men keep insisting on repeating it like we don’t know. WE KNOW

She literally performed standup about violence against women, so I’m sure she “lived in the real world” and was aware of the dangers. If she had taken an Uber instead of walking and been assaulted by the driver instead, are you still going to say that? I’m willing to wager ALL women are aware of the risk of harm

I’m sure this woman was very much aware that bad actors exist. I don’t think you’re purposely being patronizing, but that’s how it often comes off when people say things like that, which is why everyone is tired of that shit. Women are raped/murdered almost everyday in broad daylight too. I just really don’t see the

Yet another condescending ass who think women don’t already do all that. We do no not need to be told to be aware of our surroundings, we already are, everywhere we go. So yes it is victim blaming and yes you’re doing the exact same. We don’t need advice, we need society to hold men accountable for their actions and

We are grown ass women. We have been dealing with this shit our whole lives. Do you think he is telling us anything new? It’s patronizing.

The lack of self awareness is off the fucking charts, especially as a big dude. It’s like please tell five foot nothing me that I need to be careful of my surroundings. I fucking know!  

The reason that people get irritated when men or the police say things like this, it makes it seem like we don’t know. Trust me, since you gave your size, as a five foot, petite woman, I am ALWAYS aware. Most women are. We have had to deal with this shit are entire lives.

I run in the park before dawn. I pick a smaller park downtown where I have a clear view for at least a block in every direction. I ride my bike there and park it where I can always see it, but still somewhat hidden from passing traffic, I constantly loop back toward my bike, and if anyone else comes down the road or

I know the answer to this one!

Goddamn it, WE KNOW! We know that we’re supposed to be aware of our fucking environments because disgusting, violent, criminal men are EVERYFUCKINGWHERE and we’ve learned to be vigilant (while, of course, making sure not to offend any innocent men or make them feel uncomfortable about our reality) from the time we

Did you know that this woman ironically WAS aware of her surroundings, hence the text she sent?

It’s a sad day in Ontario, where the late Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s younger brother, Doug Ford, was just elected to lead the province. Ford is basically Trump lite, with a history of misogyny whose only clear policy platforms includes tax cuts for the rich and powerful.