
She agreed to discuss the lie, not her sex life.

If the “shrub” is a woman who has been in jailed wrongly for over 21 years I’d say the “shrub” is still worth saving.

Jax is a sociopath.

Jax is an absolute garbage trash monster. Do not be fooled by his happy face. He is manipulative and generally horrible to his betrothed. Brittany is sweet but willfully naive, having barreled past every red flag that has been waved in her face (including him cheating on her and making it partly her fault, and

Yep. When I was sexually assaulted in a similar way, the assault wasn’t the worst part, the fact that nobody believed me was much more upsetting. A tough lesson to learn at 14!

“she received a lot of flack for not speaking up more” fucking seriously? Jeffrey Talbot verbally abused Jessica Walters, Jason Bateman dusted it under the rug as “nbd” but we’re criticizing Alia for being the only person, besides Jessica, to speak up? Fucking people.

I can’t believe she’s getting shit for not being able to yell over top of that group of douche bros. Have the people castigating her ever BEEN in that situation? Because I have, and good luck with making your voice heard of their endless, loud, testosterone fueled  yawping.

Women get punished no matter what. “Why didn’t you speak up!?” “Oh you did? WHY NOT LOUDER!?”

I have been in many group situations with men, both socially and professional, where it was made clear through inaction and dismissal that my worth was not equal to theirs.

Shawkat raised a good point in this interview, which is that afterwards, she received a lot of flack for not speaking up even more.

Many of the most successful, self-possessed, vibrant, independent women in my life struggle mightily with depression and anxiety, and go between wanting to put it all out there — listen, if I can live through this, so can you — and wanting to keep it all hidden, because showing weakness will ruin her capacity to be a

The last couple years have been the worst of my life. I won’t detail it, but the amount of crushing sadness and some of the thoughts that went through my head daily were slowly and completely taking over my life. I drove to the gym (which was my positive place) one day and just sat in my car and sobbed, because I

the insane fans who think TLJ ruined their childhood

Anyone who thinks TLJ “ruined mah childhood” has clearly never moved beyond that childhood.

I’m sorry I don’t feel like you get to make the call on whether this visit was worth it or not. I think that determination’s up to Alice Marie Johnson. Like it’s not like Kim is working on a bill with the shithead. She’s trying to get a 63 year old Black woman her freedom. Shit I’d rather Kim’s ass beg him for her

She looks so lovely but I hope (seriously doubt though) that the frecks are real!

I won’t dignify the rest of this with a response, but Hillary didn’t ride on Bill’s coattails; he tethered his coattails to her and she carried him to (and through) the presidency. I’m not saying he was nothing more than a front for her, but he had her to thank for everything he ever achieved.

An imbalance of power has nothing to do with virginity, it has everything to do with the positions of power (or lack of power) that both parties hold in the workplace. He was literally the most powerful man in the world and she was an intern, it’s not a equitable sexual relationship.

Precisely. I was with him 20 years ago, but I’m not with him now because I see what a culture of giving men like him a pass gets us.

He seems to think that the fact people were with him 20 years ago means they’d be there now, and that the fact they were there at all means no one should be mad about it. Then he gets mad because hes a retired president and shouldn’t be judged because he’s in the club of people above scrutiny. George Washington was