
I want to give her the benefit of the doubt because I honestly think the sudden obsession with what she wrote ten years ago is about something much bigger than her

As a soon to be 48-year old, I can assure you that a person’s views can change in a decade- radically so. To say that growth is limited to people up until their mid-thirties is ageist and inaccurate. Age nor fame doesn’t make one more likely to change or not - it’s one’s level of open mindedness and desire to grow.

I took time out of my life to peruse these shocking new exposures of Joy’s over 10 year old defunct blog and came away from them being profoundly unshocked.

Dude I forget shit I wrote three days ago on here. I bet if you showed me my internet activity from that far back I would look like a looney (more looney anyway).

Oh boy.

Funny how media personality blog posts from ten fucking years ago seem less important when an actual criminal is occupying the oval office and dismantling every single one of our national safety net protections in real time.

I don’t care how crass or bat-shit her blog postings were. If nothing genuinely current and disrupting is happening with her leave her alone. People want this Black woman to lose her job and career. I don’t.

I think it’s interesting that we are only now having a discussion about what isn’t okay to call a woman just because we heard another woman use a term that usually men use.

Here is the thing. There is massive hypocrisy all over the place. I don’t agree with calling her the c-word either. But people aren’t upset because they respect women so much. This is about just trying to gain points politically. On both sides of politics, women have become political pawns for men to score points by

I’m sure you mean well, but gotta say I rolled my eyes allllll through this comment. It’s like if I, as a white lady, commented to say how shocked, SHOCKED I am that a black person would call another black person the n-word, and then chided others for not being as horrified as I am.

It’s a little like the n-word. I never use it and hearing it makes me cringe but if a black person wants to use it with another black person that’s their perorogative. Unlike the n-word, it doesn’t have a history of slavery and oppression.

Where did I say that’s my strategy. Let me say it again. The idea that the left should not do or say things because the right will use it against us is bullshit. The right has no fucking legs to stand on. The left should Be consistent and not use sexist,racist,homophobic, ect language against the right because we

The idea that if the left weren’t hypocrites would get the right to listen to them is bullshit. The right being outraged at this are being massive hypocrites when just the other day they were defending Roseanne.

Holy shit you guys, Sally Fields is fire.

This. Roseanne said what she said because Valerie Jarrett is black and Roseanne is racist. Samantha Bee didn’t call Ivanka a cunt because she is a woman, she called her that because she is doing cunty things, and frankly, I could see Samantha Bee easily calling a man that, too.

without resorting to gendered slurs

You know, I really wish I could BeBest, but since families are being torn apart at the border while Ms. Complicit gets to hug her children without fearing for their lives, I just can’t.

If you can equate Roseanne’s insult of Jarrett perfectly to Sam Bee’s insult of Ivanka — if you honestly cannot find a single difference between the two instances — I don’t think you’re approaching the issues with necessary cognitive functions.

I’m particularly baffled that conservatives are choosing this hill to die on considering how lightly “cunt” was thrown around in the 2016 election time frame referring to Hillary.