
That’s a lovely way to approach it. I already seek out an inordinate number of films across all lines, so I’m not as concerned about discovery. (Two most recent favorites I highly recommend: Lucrecia Martel’s ZAMA and Lynne Ramsay’s YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE.)

The assholes who post troll-news “for the lulz” will, in the grand scheme of history, do more harm to American Democracy than any amount of terrorists. They are actively destroying the ability to conduct informed democracy just for no other reason than amusement at their own antics.

Also, I hate when women feel like they need to apologize for a victory. You think he would’ve apologized? Doubt it.

Probly bought the ticket just so he could tell that story about walking out.

Manhattan’s congressional representative and the Bronx Borough President have both filed complaints with the disciplinary committee of NY State court system with the intention of having him disbarred.

Jesus. I love when people get offended at someone being mildly irritated.

I literally never said women can’t like dick jokes. But I guess congrats on being such a Cool Girl™ that you completely missed the point.

FWIW I agree with you. Like LET US HAVE THIS ONE SPACE where I don’t have to pretend it’s cute or clever. I’m not offended and I think Masshole James is generally A Good Poster but yeah. I’m just tired.

Trust me, it’s alive.

I disagree that this is a boring season per se - I think they cast some interesting folks, the Ghost Island concept is a cool way to throwback to exciting moments and build in a legendary feeling, and in particular going from two to three tribes mixed things up. In particular I like Dom/Wendell, Laurel/Donathan as

It is irritating to see dick jokes in the comments section of Jez. I don’t even know why it irritates me so much, but it really does. Like this isn’t Reddit, bro. Just thinking out loud - which I figured would be fair since I had to read your dick joke.

I’m with you on this

I absolutely feel the same way as judgemental as it is. My 41 year old MBA successful as fuck female friend just got married and I butted in where I shouldn’t have and told her to consider keeping her name. She has very strong family roots so it never occurred to me that she wouldn’t. Then she posted that she full on

My sister and her husband hyphenated, with her doing Herlastname-Hislastname, and him doing Hislastname-Herlastname. He gets sooooooo much shit from his friends, calling him emasculated, calling him Mrs Herlastname, etc. So threatened by strong ladies.

This. Exactly this.

Thank you for putting into words how I feel about this. I get judgmental too, and I feel conflicted about it. But if we partake in something that is rooted in a sexist tradition, it’s important to acknowledge it even if we ultimately make a decision that is aligned with that tradition.

I totally agree. I am a feminist. I often make choices that aren’t feminist. But what I don’t try to do is come up with some ridiculous explanation for how shaving my legs (for example) is really some feminist act because I do it for myself or whatever, as if the society I live in and the cultural expectations I have

I admit it: I find it disappointing any time a female friend takes her husband’s name after marriage. Especially if she hyphenates (and he doesn’t, because of course not). Yes, it’s her choice and it’s got nothing to do with me and I move on and try to use the new last name without rolling my eyes, but for the love of

It also bothers me that we have not moved past the name-change for women and straight to the “children get father’s last name”. Because if you don’t change your last name, but your children still get their father’s name, then what did not changing it achieved exactly? I’m tempted to solve if by having both matrilineal

No one likes being called out on being part of the system of patriarchy, which is why I think so many women always leap to explain why their decision to change their name Was Totally Feminist And Justified instead of just accepting that, in this particular interest, they just went with what was easier, socially.