
What in the holy blue bananas are you on about?

Um, thanks for clarifying?

What did Ronan Farrow do that was “not ok” in your estimation?

When asked if he felt that he should have had a gun, the shooter said no.

It’s hard to coexist with folks who think the universe was created in 6 days but any new gun legislation is moving too fast.

Funny how I completely acknowledged it was an anecdote from the start, and simply wanted to share my story. I wish yours was more compelling.

Because every situation in any Western country is solved by “equal rights under the law?” The law does not solely inform how people in society act. The law does not affect the reality of how police and the justice system treat someone.

See, this just shows you aren’t really thinking about the shit you said. On the shallow surface double standards are bad. But if you actually scratch the surface you’ll notice that it’s going to take a very long time of tilting the scales in the opposite direction before we can balance it out and say ‘fair is fair.’

Equal rights under the Constitution doesn’t mean squat if you’re still not actually TREATED as an equal... Kinda sorta how the whole ‘Separate but Equal’ thing failed, y’know?

And what was your experience getting an abortion?

Anonymously-reported salary data. There’s a difference between getting anonymized salary data from, say, Glassdoor, a company release, or from a survey and openly discussing with Bob what Alice makes in the workplace.

Who ungreyed this fuckface?

Equal rights under the law was achieved 40+ years ago.

You seem like a jerk to me.

Social justice in the sense of creating greater social mobility and making class, race, gender, and other social groupings less of a hindrance to individuals’ outcomes over the course of a lifetime.

The right to have medical procedures without unnecessary legally-mandated hoops.

Even in places where headshots with resumes aren’t a thing, there’s a creeping focus toward photos in the social media side of networking anyway. I resisted putting a headshot on LinkedIn for years because I resented the implications of it. (I eventually compromised and put a carefully cropped shot up there, more so

You’re missing the part that these people do not realize the extent of the systemic sexism. Everything you say makes sense... if you start with the understanding that men in general are more privileged than women. If you don’t, however... or even believe women have it better, any call for equality sounds more like a

this article is not about any nation other that the reason to both sides or what-aboutism this bullshit.

does not matter...oppression anywhere needs to be spoken out against.