
I would imagine that France doesn’t let children own property and drive cars and enter into legally binding contracts so I respectfully submit that French culture is perfectly able to distinguish between children and adults when it chooses to.

I did. You could tell I was younger if you looked at my face, but no one was looking at my face. I got catcalled a lot as a tween. I was clearly mentally my actual age, and boobs definitely didn’t make me more mature, so if this guy actually spoke to this girl, he would have easily known.

Lol what does “American” look like.

You’re responding to one of the biggest flaming termite pests who infests Kinja on the regular. Don’t even bother responding to it.

Yeah, dude. I do. After a lifetime of being the object of men’s “compliments,” I sure as fuck do.

I have never, ever understood the appeal of Howard Stern. His schtick is immature, sexist, unfunny, and lowest-common-denominator boring. I guess he got famous by saying things no one else would, but I never found it shocking. Just dumb.  

Or any 17 yo, as if you ask most women they will surely tell you many a tale about gross middle-aged men saying and doing disgusting shit to them well before age 17. I was 14 the first time some strange man groped my ass and I most certainly did not look “older.” I am only 5'1" and still don’t weigh over 100 lbs, so

Yeah, it’s funny as hell when slobbering old guys banter on “barstools” about how much they are into high school girls. Chloe Kim is 17 years old, There is nothing acceptable about these troglodytes strategizing a “how to avoid statutory rape by a day” plan.

I think it’s the opposite, they are fully aware of having a national audience but just don’t see anything creepy about sexualizing a 17 year old Olympic athlete on air.

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

“I do not believe that just because you’re opposed to abortion that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born, but not a child fed, not a child educated, and not a child houses. And why would I think you don’t? Because you don’t want any tax

“In 2002, a University of Maryland student posing as a woman worried that she was pregnant called a crisis pregnancy center and made an appointment at the center’s office. During the call, she asked ‘if they knew anything about abortion.’ The response? They ‘blew [the question] off. They just said, ‘Come in and we’ll

Call your nearest one and see what happens. Usually they won’t answer the question and instead try to get you to come in for an appointment so they can spout their nonsense to you in person and try to get you to agree not to seek abortion. Samantha Bee did a great episode on this. Google her show and “Crisis Pregnancy

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? If you’re pregnant and don’t want an abortion, don’t have one. Pro-choice advocates want people who choose to get abortions to be able to find actual clinics where they can get advice on them.

Honey no one is driving women who google “where can I get an abortion?” to abortion centers against their will. And once they’re there, no one is strapping them down and giving them abortions against their will. If someone is looking up “where can I get an abortion?” THEY’VE ALREADY MADE THEIR CHOICE.

Google has a complicated relationship with crisis pregnancy centers. In 2014, NARAL Pro-Choice America pressured Google to stop accepting advertising for the entities—which are often religiously affiliated, do not always have licensed medical staff on site and never provide abortions or refer patients to clinics that

They will need saving after they’re born as well.

The user in question did not ask “where can I get pregnancy advice?”, they asked “where can I get an abortion?”

Aww, don’t let sound logic and actual thought get in the way of a “witty” internet meme!

Pretty sure you wouldn’t like it if you were looking for a pediatrician and the top ten map results were anti-vax orgs pretending to be pediatricians.