
You skipped the second part of that thought which was: figuring the problem out together.

I dont even think it takes a real man to say “im out of here”.

Why do men always expect praise for doing literally nothing? Like congrats for I guess not doing the most cruel and self-serving thing possible in favor of something manipulative and only moderately hurtful?

Opposite note for MVP. Your dude will be deeply sorry when he finds out you could have a revolving door of lovers at your beck and call. I swear every other story I hear of a guy wanting an open relationship ends in him finding out that you will have a LOT easier time finding lovers then he ever will. And once the

This article is way more thoughtful than the song or video deserves. It’s cliched watered down hip hop. I wish that a woman could get this kind of attention for making more thought provoking music. About something other than her fancy shoes and money. (I’m glad she got her teeth fixed though).

Let’s play Guess Who Said the Stupid Thing! “I’m someone who believes in more monuments, not less monuments.”

her child is 7 year old. Unless she’s ok with her being the next Little Miss Sunshine, even 15 min make-up routine seems too much.

So you think that 7 year old girls should be wearing makeup?

Her daughter is 7. The point is she shouldn’t be feeling pressure to look good at that age.

I briefly dated a guy once who let me know after a few weeks, and of course as I was starting to really like him that he and his ex-girlfriend were still living together. At first when he told me I tried to be open and cool, but then I asked him if they were still trying to work things out, or if this was just a

“California turned out in record numbers. Without California, Trump wins by over a million votes.”

So Clinton was a worse choice than Trump? Really? Wow. How on earth did she ever get three million more votes than he did?

Oh I see it’s “Blame-The-Libtards-For-Trump-Beating-16-GOP-Candidates-To-Win-the-RNC-Day.”

And he’s still a better human being than Clinton.

Remember, over 2.8 million more votes were cast for HRC than for Trump. We have Trump as president because of the obsolete electoral college. One person, one vote? Surely you’re joking.

Because Trump was the more palatable candidate...

I’m pretty sure no other administration was this incompetent and replied with the idiot remarks made by Trump. 

I’m not sure anyone is arguing that if this happened while Obama was president, he would ignore it. I think the point is that if Obama was president, this wouldn’t have gotten this far in the first place.