
A big reason McCain is getting the accolades is because he disrupted his surgery recovery to vote to begin this 3-ring circus. I’ll never forgive him for that. This mess didn’t need to happen.

Yes, you’ve made your disgusting misogyny and lack of ability to grasp nuance perfectly clear. Idiot.

Alright. Let me make it simple. There are people that purposefully take advantage of older people, offering them terrible deals on refinancing their houses, offering mortgage scams...there are also people who take advantage of the desperate offering “payday loans” with ridiculously high interest rates.

The guy is what - 50? (Yeah, I went there). Some of us women get tired of waiting that long for our men to finally “get it”

Your opinion lacks nuance and reeks of sexism, of which you are certainly aware. I get secondhand exhaustion watching people like you engage in what I assume you think is clever, covert trolling. You like the idea of coming to a feminist website and taking part in discussions in an initialy congenial fashion,

This guy once again reminds me of why I didn’t tell anyone I was raped when I was 13. Because I went to an empty classroom with my boyfriend to make out with him, I must have asked for him to force me to give him a blowjob, right?

The stupidity and horribleness of men and how they talk about sexual assault—because of course a bare midriff means “drug me and fuck me any time you want”—makes me sick. What the fuck is a “smoking gun” in a rape case? Ugh. Ugh. Aaaaaarrrrgggh

But you don’t understaaaaaand. Clover likes it so it must be true for everyone. She’s arguing about an opinion!

I’m calling it wealthcare.

“It’s here or you can strap yourself into the toilet for the duration of the flight. Pick your poison and let’s get this tin can off the runway.”

Seriously! That’s all I was thinking while reading this. If someone has a problem with another passenger and unless that passenger is dangerous then the person with the “problem” should be moved. They also should have moved her to first class, not asking a women who uses a walking stick and was previously sitting in

Jesus. I’m so sorry.

I reported a few months after my assault. The police took me into a holding cell, told me to “make sure that you tell the truth”, and got me to write everything out in detail. They left me in a jail cell, by myself, until I was finished writing. When I was done, the police officer took my papers, gave it a cursory

A writer did a piece for The Root that really resonated with me (I’ll attach below). It was called, “The Cosby trial reminded me why I’ll never seek justice.”

Sometimes I really find it hard not to think that in sexual assault cases if an accused decides to plead not guilty and take the case to trial, they should be required to testify. None of this “no case to answer” bullshit. Your lawyer gets to cross-examine the complainant? That’s cool, the prosecution get to

I have a few years on him and am choosing to celebrate the fact that adult acne makes me look younger.

OMFG STOP WITH THE WITCH HUNT BULL SHIT! Seriously. There was an ACTUAL witch hunt that happened here. It’s part of American History. 14 WOMEN WERE EXECUTED!

BTW, this little set-up at the tables is precisely why I don’t watch CNN. We really shouldn’t have to be debating whether a Senator who wasn’t hysterical was by any objective viewing not “hysterical.” It’s literally not worthy of debate, and yet here CNN is posing it to a panel as if it’s a legitimate debate.

I know people wil say I’m exaggerating, but it’s my firm belief that it’s this kind of thing that lay the grounds for normalizing victim-blaming in rape.

It also seems like the kind of thing you only need to do if you choose to hang around crappy people. (In my experience, my kind of people don’t spend much time with crappy people.)