
hilariously he claims to have made it shitty on purpose to make it a ‘statement’

Men. You do need to grow a thicker skin. Greetings, the stronger sex.

She is perfectly welcome to smile all she likes. But do not let that cloud your memory of the fact that she is a garbage person married to a garbage person and costing the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a week because she refuses to move D.C. If you ever get cancer, never forget that the money they are spending

“When you change the sexual orientation and venue, it seems like we’ve been here before. Yet, the consensus was that it shouldn’t be that way because it’s wrong...”

Sure bud, tell yourself that. Tell yourself that you deserve to try and order me to teach you fairly basic things about the world.

This is 100% false equivalency. There are men only groups all over the country. They fight like hell to keep them that way. In many states male majorities are trying to control women at every turn. This is a movie screening. Those complaining are only doing so because they WANT to be able to discriminate and are

“Women and blacks and what ever are not oppressed, stop pretending you are. And if still want to pretend it, go visit Iran or something, see what real oppression looks like. Jeez”

You’ve missed the point entirely.

I think it is only fair that women should get an exclusive Wonder Woman screening considering an exclusive bunch of old white dudes get to determine their reproductive rights.

Ah, the classic “it’s worse in Iran, so you literally can’t complain about anything ever” canard. So cute.

Yes yes you seem very relaxed and chill / women are the emotional ones / they need to stop hurting your feelings by telling you that you’re not invited to this one party / misandry etc etc etc. Your penis is very big and important.

Oh, fuck off.

Maybe there wouldn’t even need to be women’s only anything in geekdom if fucking men could let us exist in mixed gender spaces without trying to fuck us or vet us on our geek qualifications and then shame us as fake geeks if we don’t measure up to their arbitrary qualifications which differ from male geek to male

You have never read a single feminist work in your entire life. You have barely read any peer-reviewed books, cover to cover. You have never had a true conversation with a feminist about feminism in real life.

Women only is reverse-sexist to men.
Kids only is agist to adults.
ADA screenings are unfair to people who can hear.

Honestly, why don’t adult white men get pandered to? It’s our fault we’re in control, it just sorta happened, therefore no one else should get anything.

Jesus people like you just don’t fucking get it. No one says “women can’t be sexist,” “blacks can’t be racist,” etc, etc. What is actually true is that there has not been systemic, societal oppression of men by women, of whites by blacks, etc, etc, etc. So, when something like a “ladies’ night” happens, it’s not part

I can only imagine there’s a “dealing with the Trump handshake 101" intensive for anyone who has to greet him. Trudeau showed it could be dealt with, so there’s hope for others.

“Those who are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression​.”

In all seriousness, it never ceases to amaze me that those who the world is shaped around cannot take a few moments to delve a little deeper into the nuance of these types of things, let alone the complete misunderstanding of what equality actually is.

Good grief, more power to the Alamo Drafthouse! I just wish the idiots complaining would stop all ready. This hurts no one and only invites people to enjoy something. It’s this kind of insanity that makes me think we’re on the fast track to Gilead.