
I really can not comprehend how anyone could even reluctantly vote for Trump and make any claim that they respect women or have any empathy for anyone who isn’t a wealthy white man. I have a hard time stomaching people who still don’t regret not voting for Hilary. Nothing would be perfect with Hilary, it would

he likes that he’s a bullshitter, he appreciates that Trump portrays himself as the “every man”

I’m a Black woman. The personal is political. I was on a dating site a few years ago and I had radical Black feminist under my avatar. This older white right winger started trying to talk to me and I asked uhhh why? Didn’t he see what I put as pretty much my tagline? He said yeah, but didn’t really talk or think about

I’m not sure I believe any of those reasons. I feel it more likely that he’s making up excuses and doesn’t want to reveal his true thoughts.

I’m with you, man. I think sharing with your partner is great and all, but sometimes you have to keep it to yourself.

I would definitely be very careful about bringing it up, the way you might be about BDSM stuff if you’re with someone who you know was sexually abused. It doesn’t mean they won’t be into it, but just tread carefully and be flexible. I probably would prefer that the person brings it up, but not in a sexual situation,

Sure, but we have no proof of anything here, one way or another. I did say it was possible he was just dense, and to elaborate I mean he’s had two years to get a read on whether or not having a hysterectomy at a young age is a sore spot for her. By the same stroke, he didn’t bring it up for two years, so it doesn’t

It makes you selfish and self centered with no care about your partner, which in turn is shitty, super shitty.

There’s a huge difference between some random surgical procedure and losing the ability to ever become a mother.

The fact that LW2 thinks sexual orientation prevents you from having kids makes me think this is the first time he’s ever hearing about adoption/fostering/surrogacy...

LMAO!! What sort of insecure man says that for bragging rights!? And in the same breath forgets but then remembers he was asked to be a part time model hahahaha. Honestly, the fact that most of the comments are not laughing this fool off the planet just tells you how much men’s feelings are considered and catered to.

I also want all men to hear this one thing: We👏Don’t👏Care👏 About👏Your👏 Full👏 Head👏 Of👏 Hair👏

All of this. Men are so quick to jump to the ‘women are competitive bitches’ trope. Not here for that.

Right! It seemed super phony and superficial from the jump and the response from Nerdlove seemed to play into believing this crap. It’s just too convenient that there are just these mean terrible women who just don’t like him for no reason. They may have faults but come on. And he kept reinforcing that it made “no

The only comment that got to the core of what seems like the issue. Yes, their explanation was “damning” and vague but it could easily be about how they don’t enjoy how she is changing and they are trying to express that in a crappy way. They see her as one type of person and she has probably changed and I’m sure at

Yeah, I’m calling bullshit on all of this. My closest friends are a tight knit group of women who I met at a women’s college. I care fuck all what their partners look like. I care that their partners love, respect, support, and uplift them. I expect them to carry an appropriate level of financial and emotional

I’ve had some experiences lately with people who were completely pathological and refused to accept that there was anything wrong with them or their behavior. A part of me wondered if that was the case here. He just absolutely cannot think of any reason they completely have cut her off because of him, except maybe

“Talk to women like they’re normal people” is great advice, but I’d add the caveat that you need to let them get a word in edgewise. I’ve known so many nerds who just wanted to ramble on about their hobbies without stopping to see if the woman had opinions on physics or Starcraft, too.

This is the best way to go about it because even if you don’t end up with the girl, you’ve at least enjoyed the evening talking about things you love. I can’t tell you how fucking BLAND some men can be when they’re trying to “run their game” and their only goal is to get laid using tactics out of a handbook. Ugh.

Anyone else getting Nice Guy vibes from LaW?