
you are so thirsty for attention from women all over this thread. are you one of those dudes who get strange women to yell at them on the internet because that’s the only thing that gets you hard anymore? you have some kind of humiliation fetish or something?

They are providing a voluntary exercise in empathy. If someone freaks out about the difference on their cup of coffee they should then logically extend how that feels on an entire salary.

Sorry. I’m not in a great mood and kind of tired of it being implied that I’m some monster for being wary of Breitbart reading Trump supporters.

You’re incredibly naive but thanks anyway.

You didn’t just say talking, you said talking/flirting so let me clarify what I mean by “talking to him”: His ignorance hasn’t keep you from interacting with him purely in a professional capacity.

And if he’s on Breitbart, do you really trust him to respect your boundaries and make sure he has affirmed your consent?

Do you really think the Trump supporter would be good at sex?

Christ, I don’t doubt that this really happened to you. I have difficulty believing that supporters of the pussy-grabber-in-chief would put in the effort to make sex good for a woman. It seems like they’d be the type to pump pump pump with minimal foreplay, then ejaculate on you.

But why would you look for additional red flags when the one we know about means he’s okay with sexual assault and is probably anti-choice?

As someone who has been turned on by the hatefucking potential of several trump supporters/republicans... they always disappoint. Always. Don’t do it. Masturbate.

Anyone who actually uses the term libtards would not be someone with whom I continued to communicate- Let alone flirt, let alone screw.

Ignorance, misogyny, racism, homophobia, and transphobia are not sexy. Full stop.

Yeah, no. This guy’s dick should shrivel up and fall off, or at the very least he shouldn’t get fucked by ANYONE until Cheeto Mussolini is out of office. If it’s unbearable, indulge in some self love and fantasize, but do not fuck him. Please. For all of us- don’t fuck him.

Don’t do it! No orgasm is going to be worth the crushing sense of shame that follows—and frankly, I don’t trust anyone that selfish to be any good in bed.

Congratulations!! I have 83 days. I’m in an outpatient rehab program right now. If you’ve already checked, I would see if there are any morning meetings near you. They tend to be a little smaller and more intimate, step study meetings are great too.

It’s rough. I’m sorry to hear that. My dad’s drug wasn’t substances, it was rage. My brother left. Then I left. Then my mom left after 36 years. Sometimes love can only be given from afar when close up love affects your life and health. He’s your dad, but no one is worth your health.

You’re not a horrible person for taking care of yourself. That’s what this is really about, making sure that your needs are a priority. They should be - you’re the only one that knows what you need, what you can and can’t put up with, and what this situation is doing to you. There’s absolutely no shame in standing up

Okay everyone I’ve never posted on these SNS but I need some advice since I have like nobody to talk to about this.

I am 133 days sober today. I’m not white knuckling it, but I did take some muscle relaxers the other day for some extreme pain and the float feeling was nice.