
Even if our tax dollars went to abortion, which they don’t, so what. Lots of my hard earned tax dollars go to things I am morally opposed to. War, countries that do horrible things to women, etc. I don’t get to say no to these very expensive morally reprehensible line items in our budget, why should the right wing get

You don’t seem to get that testimony by the victims IS evidence that rape occurred. In case you didn’t realize it, eyewitness testimony by third parties is not required for a rape conviction; most rapes don’t take place in public! You can raise all the arguments you want in trying to discredit the victims’ testimony

That actually struck me as a tiny bit odd too. Even a passing mention would have gone a long way.

Nothing like a bunch of mediocre-looking men surrounded by swimsuit models to get me into the summertime spirit. Hard pass.

Feeling extra sorry for the lady riding a horse in her bathing suit. Horses are a long pants activity.

Well, thank goodness they didn’t use women as nothing more than sexually available decorations in this video. Oh wait. They did.

So in other words it was another shitty, crazy day.

I could see a very dear-to-my heart male friend doing this. He sometimes genuinely laughs at things that are horrible (and that don’t intersect with his life in anyway), or makes jokes, and when I call him on it, he calls it gallows humour.

Did you explain to him that everything that is done to the Handmaids in the story has actually been done to women at some point in history, somewhere in the world?

The only people I know who think it is unrealistic are men.

Trump stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs, Big Oil execs, Telecom execs - all sorts of industry insiders. How the fuck can you possibly still be beating this drum?

A feminist blog telling a woman to smile is “nothing”? Interpreting her lack of maniacal grin in the shittiest way possible? Trying to pit one woman against an other? How exactly is that “compassionate and empathic”? Stassa Edwards is just as bad as the rest. Worse, because she didn’t apologize to JLD

This lack of empathy or any willingness to research evidence based research on mental health issues is very problematic and indicative of the type of blogging I’ve become accustomed to from several bloggers on here. Jezebel was a better publication years ago, but those writers are long gone. Stassa Edwards is a really

It’s an opportunity for people like Kara, who wrote this for Jezebel to sneer at people who would even bring up those details of her background - which she did to me by responding to my post with LOL when I mentioned she and her siblings were abused so badly that she was allowed by a court to adopt a brother. That is

Succinctly demonstrating that you don’t actually give a shit about this issue beyond the page views. Nothing in that comment was worthy of a LOL.

Because child abuse is funny to you? Because it was so bad she got to adopt her brother?

I guess? But really, how different is it from telling a woman “if you don’t want to get raped don’t do XYZ”? Like at the end of the day, the problem is cis people being assholes, not trans people trying to live their lives. 

So a person has to hide just in case someone finds out? Someone can’t do what they love because there is a chance they might be found out? Of course there is risk, but it was a nasty person that did it. What you wrote is victim blaming.

Becausegod forbid CIA women be able to discuss issues about CIA women when that is the topic. Jesus, talk about a circle jerk.

Nobody is saying to ignore those other fights. They’re saying that by bringing them up when we are clearly talking about FGM, you’re distracting from a very important discussion. This is like a classical definition of sidetracking.