
There’s a difference between being out as a gay person and being out as trans. When you’re post-op trans, you’re not really “hiding” who you are, you’re just being who you are, which is the gender that you’ve transitioned to.

You know, if you don’t want to be “outed” publicly, maybe don’t apply to be on a network “Reality” show. Just sayin’.

It’s funny that she states “don’t conflate lack of public denouncement with silence” for two very good reasons. One is that she understands that the things he’s saying are terrible and should be noted as such and two if she’s talking to him so much about it and he apparently listens to her then why hasn’t he walked

At least three have directly responded to the general idea (between your comments and those are RageIsTheNewJoy) and then look at all the stars they are getting. I would say that counts as support.

You’re speculating a lot from my comment. I actually didn’t follow anything past the “positive reinforcement is great to

As a woman, I feel confident telling you there is. It’s honestly just an easier and safer option to fake the orgasm and get the entire thing over with. I was screwing around with guys for nearly a decade before I finally stopped faking orgasms nearly every time. Women also feel a lot of pressure to have orgasms -

I am also not trying to start a fight but any convincing woman knows exactly how to fake an orgasm with literally every element you just listed.

I don’t want this to sound flippant or dismissive but most of those women were probably faking it. Unless you mean 5-7 minutes after first cunnilingal contact but there was a lot of other foreplay before it...

It is definitely out there! I’m in my late 30s and have been with my fair share of dudes. And only TWO have managed to make me cum from oral (both were long term partners - actually one still is my long term partner). I need time and I need to be able to relax, both of which are hard for me. In most cases being

I mean, it’s certainly possible that you might just have a lower or different ability to orgasm, but 3 minutes of foreplay makes it sounds like your partners don’t know what they’re doing. I don’t have any advice other than “date different men,” but your brief comment certainly makes it sound like your partners aren’t

I’m in the same boat here. I know that women here are telling the truth that they’ve had some really good oral sex performed on them but at the same time my experience makes me internally scoff and say, they’re lying that it’s that good. At this point (almost 30 years old) I’ve started believing that I will probably

Um, can we have sex, now?

Five to seven minutes is the average time it takes for me to get bored and fake a convincing orgasm.

Well, so I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, actually. If you want to make trimming an expectation/preference/whatever for you, that’s on you. That’s why I said “doing things to one’s pubes is not a problem” and mentioned that if you have a preference, “do you, talk to your partner, do what’s best for all of

I take offense to this as a person who has sucked a lot of dicks (I don’t actually take offense, tbc)

The best piece of advice I see in the article is the one that can’t be taught, and that is get into it and enjoy it. Some guys find going down on their partner to be a chore and possibly slightly gross. But if you view oral sex as a part of sex and not a prelude to it then the results can be fantastic. I totally get

Actually though this is something that I hate. Preferences in how you style your pubes/how other parties style their pubes is one thing, couching it in the language of “courtesy” or “cleanliness” or “grooming” is quite another. It’s not discourteous not to shave your face or armpits or less, or your pubes.

“ if you exclude that outlier and my ex-wife,”

I can only speak for myself but I’d say the 15-20 minute range thing is accurate.

LOL. You’ve got some convincing ladies on your hands.

But there’s one thing, above all else, that you should remember as she gets close to orgasm: do not change what you’re doing in terms of routine and pacing.