
"When someone rapes a person they go to prison."

I want to live in whatever amazing utopia she clearly lives in.

I'll say this—not that I've been in her situation but it strikes a chord that is very powerful. I don't know what I'm explaining but I think sometimes it can be hard to discuss why denial and silencing can be so powerful.

yup. Like, everything else he was saying was good. And in another context, there would have been nothing wrong with noting that a model is, yes, stunningly beautiful. But, just, why? He even knew it was a shitty thing to say!

i know this is about her rape but PRETTY

On CNN this morning, some male commenter talking about Johnson (and basically supporting her/other victims) felt the need to say "I dunno, maybe this is sexist, but she is just *stunning.* Especially for a grandmother!"

Lately, I've noticed in the media, that when people of higher standing, or "look or sound more respectable" have come out about their experiences, the media treats them VERY differently, and with much more respect (not that there was that much respect in the first place when it comes to these things) Why is it that we

my grandparents have been married for 50 years but my memaw almost left my papaw in the late 60s because she found out he was gambling all of his money away. she got a job and started saving up to leave; he realized what she was doing and begged her to stay and quit her job, and said that he would quit gambling. she

So many men don't want women earning real money because all these guys have to offer is earning power. If women as a whole could close the wage gap, these clowns would have to come to the table with good personalities, good looks, a certain weight/ height, etc. You know, all the shit that women are required to have in

every SINGLE person in my family has been divorced at least once for the past three generations and let me tell you something : one of them was because the woman was earning more than the man and he felt insecure and they started fighting. and THREE of them were because of money stress. My eldest sister got a divorce

Cosby is living proof that rapists want rape, not sex. When all these incidents occurred, he could easily have gotten willing sex partners. He was personable, wealthy, reasonably attractive, famous - with just a little effort on his part, I suspect he could have had a different willing girlfriend every month, if not

"I will also tell you this: There is nothing more romantic than someone telling you that they masturbated before they came to see you. "

Wasn't it just last year that businesses here in the States were fighting for the right to refuse service to gay people because they behaved in a "shocking" manner? Sadly, we have more in common with Saudi Arabia than we are willing to admit.

Right. Now let's talk about Michael Brown's injuries. He wasn't able to go to a doctor to get photos of those. He wasn't even given the dignity or aid of a prompt ambulance.

Zimmerman was hacked up with a machete in comparison to this garbage. There's nothing on his neck but that damn ruler.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Like, Really? those are the injuries of a man that got brutally attacked and was defending himself? What in the Unholy, Sparkly, Glitterball, Hell fuck? Just fuck it all to Hell!

It's so weird. There's this thing you can do to remove some of the uncertainty and investigate the evidence ... what is it? What is it? OH YEAH. A TRIAL.

Heck. Even that ass had worse. Wilson looks fit for prom.

It's like George Zimmerman all over again. That's the injury? Fuck me.