
It's an international thing. I've been catcalled across Europe and the US. And I'm well into my forties and don't even have long hair (seriously, what has that to do with anything). I was attacked two months ago, two steps from my house, when I didn't respond - thank god he didn't have a weapon and thank god for the

Oh boy.

Ahhhhhh to have never heard street harassment. I'm just going to linger in this imagined heaven for a moment. :-)

I second Ladyheatherlee and will add that street harassment isn't always loud catcalling and whistling, sometimes it's a dude following you, walking too close and whispering things, hissing them quietly when you walk by... It doesn't have to be loud to make you uncomfortable. Just last week a guy silently followed me

My husband had never really 'heard' someone being cat called until I was walking to his car one day. Seeing me alone as opposed to walking next to him (and the difference in the way people treat a woman by herself) was an eye opener for him.

I'm also the guy that's listening and hearing everything

Why is it so hard to believe the literally thousands of women that talk about their experiences in videos, twitter, tumblr, blogs, ect?

I may have misread you, so I genuinely want to clear this up. You're a man? A man who's asking why he doesn't hear catcalling? That's the situation here?

True, but it's also a country with a history of revolutionary movements, worker's movements, and outright anarchist movements. I've just been learning about it lately while doing a bit of genealogy. I didn't know. It's easy to characterize Spain as entirely Catholic and conservative, but it isn't the truth.

you know what? I was an asshole for saying it. Even at its current fundie levels, it's still a better place for women than most. I still think fundamentalism remains an obstacle there and everywhere, but there are people who fight it, and they count as Spanish too.

I'd say it has the underpinnings of a valid social science: theoretical models, long-term observations to evaluate cause and effect, and the ability to correct itself with time.

It also assumes that rape is purely physical? As if the violation doesn't extend to mental or emotional trauma.

I vomited a lot.

He died a few hours later from a poisoned meatloaf.

I've had my economics degree from a good university in Canada for over 2 years now and cannot. Land. A. Fucking. Job. My male colleagues are all gainfully employed in their fields and none of my female colleagues are where they want to be. Most employable degree MY ASS.

There's something about the phrase 'gentle, silent rape' that makes me want someone checking up on Robin Hanson's private life and checking in on his students. That's some psychopathic thinking.

There are 2 other women who have made the same claims publicly as Janice Dickinson. The list of possible victims is around 13 so far. A fourth woman settled with Cosby out of court in 2005 after prosecutors refused to pursue charges. Do you see a pattern emerging yet? The accusations go back as far as the 1960s to as

To anyone giving Janice shit and saying she is looking for attention, you are part of why it has taken years for these accusations to start to stick. Janice isn't the "perfect victim" that people will accept as people who has been sexually assaulted, none of the people Cosby assaulted were. Cosby is a predator who

I lost all respect for her that day. It's the only thing I think about whenever I see her on screen or hear anyone mention her name.

Did anyone expect anything else? This is a show started by someone who defends alleged rapist and molester Woody Allen.

Like OMG it's so awkward when you're friends with someone that's been accused by 13 different people. Come on stop accusing people so it doesn't have to be awkward!