
My business partner and I are in the tech industry (we're both founders and are women). We'll go to the huge conferences and all the other women (maybe 10% of the attendees) will be wearing super nice dresses and shoes. We don't own clothes like that, so we'll show up in collared shirts, black jeans, leather jackets,

Yeah, I don't think he "simply" tried to show the double standard. I think he went well out of his way to provide some insight to people who are naysayers or who just don't get it.

I like this guy! Just to add to the points he was making- this also has obvious financial effects as well. Women are expected to wear different and reasonably on trend clothing, shoes and makeup. Men can get by with about three suits, a couple pairs of shoes, a dozen shirts and ties for years!

I think it's also something that kind of gets obfuscated by the media around clothes. Fashion media on all levels tends to focus on whatever is interesting, so a guy dresses really well or really strangely might get some attention, but a guy who is falling back on standards or under dressed in a really boring way

...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.

Know your body type — you know, like, recognize how you probably don't look like any of us and never will because we represent an extreme, unobtainable minority who somehow still manage to dominate the media! I mean, as long as you know your body type, everything will be okay!

I'm surprisingly more tired of hearing this old hate-argument than I am tired of hearing about the Kardashians all together. Get over it. Who gives a shit how she got famous or what she does? Her body, her business and all that shit.

.... No. Go back and read wikipedia more carefully. Then stop saying "science" has proven your idiotic claims because it's highly irritating to us scientists. Also quantum mechanics pretty much renders your precious causal determinism b.s. Sorry.

He's trying to justify horrible decisions he's made in the past.

I take the science position which says we are a big cluster of molecules and therefore we can't really choose anything we do.

If you believe science says that genetics and neurology make people completely unable to control their impulses or make choices you don't understand science.

I see. So what you're saying is that you're delusional. What Cosby did isn't actually wrong; it was simply fated. What's happening to Cosby isn't wrong; it was simply fated. Therefore your choice to feel bad for him is delusional because what is happening to him is neither right nor wrong, since in a completely

Dude, just stop. You don't know what words mean. Control, science and reality are not magical spells that you cast to make the universe conform to your personal vision.

You're an idiot.

You don't think saying "your perspective is untrue and dumb" to people have experienced trauma might make them less likely to share their experiences?

Oh, my GOD, THIS FUCKING MANSPLAINING ASSHOLE. He's a walking talking animate tweed jacket elbow patches.

This person has not read one shred of philosophy, I promise. Philosophical systems aren't in some kind of giant, blobular agreement, and for that matter, science isn't either. He's trying to justify horrible decisions he's made in the past.

Dude, your particular version of reality is no more empirically accurate or absolute then anybody else's. You're doing exactly what you say they're doing; choosing a version of reality that makes you comfortable and works for you. You aren't any more than a random collection of molecules, as you yourself said, so by

Wait, what? They're being unrealistic by being upset that their lives were torn in half by a rapist??? Why is the guy a collection of molecules with no free will but the rape victim is "choosing" to have her strings pulled?