
But she didn't say, "I'm not a feminist because I have an issue with the way feminism treats women of color." She said, essentially, "I'm not a feminist because I like men." Her actions indicate her feminism, but she is misinformed about what the word actually means, which is frustrating. I agree that feminism has

I wish she'd have clarified it then though. Talk about those issues, why you won't claim feminism. It's totally valid and needs to be discussed. But what I feel is that she doesn't want to claim the word for the same reason most women won't: they're seen as the enemy by men and a culture that has done everything in

My attitude entirely. I'm into extremely rough and aggressive sex as well, but I have never, ever assumed that even if someone has said "I am, too!" that it constitutes consent on their part until the moment actually arrives. Even then, I've always checked with them, made sure they're okay to continue, blah blah blah.

I'm a lesbian so there's no way I'm going to start sexualizing men's chests.

Everything about women is constantly sexualized though not just parts of our bodies that are used for reproduction. Reproduction has nothing to do with it. We as women can't show off our legs or arms or backs etc without them being labeled as sexual.

I get that people don't like her (albeit it's with some kind of hate that I don't see most male comedians getting) but the woman has a point. They're just tits. It's not a specialized picture, it's literally a direct comparison. Regardless of whether she was doing it for attention, the point is very valid.

she's not wrong though. women's bodies are always viewed as sexual by men (and some women) regardless of what a woman is wearing or not wearing.

Queen Latifah is less than a Rapist? Wow... bizarre standards.

maybe yes, maybe no... but standing up and calling out rape culture is something i would never condemn.

>>There's no way the CBC would fire their golden goose without cause. <<

See, up until this morning reading these stories I mostly really respected and enjoyed his show which was my Sunday morning ritual but I'm not too blinded by that to be able to comprehend what I now learned about him. What is wrong with people?

Yup, yup, yup. I'm Toronto-based, and it's been a weird 24hrs on Facebook, watching people I like "like" his post and reading the comments he got. Being a known douchebag is, in and of itself, not a criminal offense, but it was disheartening how many people just want to believe this jaded ex-gf narrative. I was also

Also, fuck this guy for trying to claim this as BDSM. BDSM is all about consent and comfort of your partner. You never punch someone in the face as soon as they walk in the door without prior consent or discussion (I am not saying this as a joke). I'm so sick of people claiming unwanted violence as sexual kink.

Also, if he wants to protect his wealth and other rich men's wealth, all he has to do is get a solid prenup and advise others to do the same. He went out of his way to be condescending and insulting to women.

It would be a lot easier to follow this advice if women were paid as much as men!!

I'm over those kinds of women too. Well, I would be. If I'd ever met one.

Most of us will never find that thing that makes the money. Several of us are not even particularly good at anything. I'm one of those people. I have and have had assorted jobs. I've always worked, but no, I haven't found my calling that brought me great financial security. I live paycheck to paycheck. That is how

I don't know about the other countries, but India actually brought in various committees headed by former Supreme Court judges and Human Rights lawyers to form new laws after the Delhi rape case. The new amendments come under the "Nirbhaya Act" - Nirbhaya being the name given to the victim (It means fearless.)