
White Men. They've always been super chill with it.

This. "We were all fine with it". Who is "we" in this statement?

Yeah, McConaughey, let's make sure we keep the spirit of the 1930s alive when it comes to race relations.

Right? "We were all fine with it since the 1930s"—does he mean like how the dominant oppressive group has been fine with everything we've later decided was bad and it was just treated as fine because other people's voices didn't matter? BOOO MCCONAUGHEY.

Would you feel the same way about walking past a car where a guy was jerking off? Does his private world inside his car supersede your right not to be exposed to his masturbation? Or are you just being nosy?

This. She's a slut and he's some sort of freaking stud. She's unemployable while he's running a foundation and getting speaking gigs. The purity fairy only visits dudes.

If you're a 22-year-old intern working at the White House and you embark on an affair with your married President, then most people would probably say the shame-ometer probably starts right there and then.

I totally respect your view, J, but it's still brutally hard work to separate the art from the artist, though. At least, for me it is. And frankly, I don't really want to separate it. I'm not talking about normal human foibles, or genuine mistakes, or ill-chosen words or even occasional cruelty, thoughtlessness or

I am under no duty to learn to separate the art from the artist. And why would I? I've decided that I would rather not turn a blind eye, at the expense of the enjoyment I used to get from his show. I can't watch him onscreen and separate that from his acts, and I won't apologize for that. His work is forever tainted,

And now you can't unknow it. Taken me a while to come to terms with it, but I have. And now I seriously can't enjoy his work.

It is possible to still enjoy someone's contributions to art, while acknowledging that the artist is gross.

Why in the hell are there statutes of limitations on child molestation??

I used to work in a strip club/adult store/massage parlor. We had internet booths, with some free porn access. Every. fucking. week, random middle-aged, well-dressed, white guy in a suit would scuttle out of his booth like he had a red hot potato jammed up his ass and scoot out of the store and almost without

Even if his friend did serve 3 full years in prison for downloading child porn, I still fail to see why that's deserving of sympathy and a reasonable defense against imprisoning child porn defenders. Then again, I'm not a 60 something year old white male pedophile who supports keeping other 60 sonething year old white

I think that as women we're expected to be emotionally dependent and nurturing. We're supposed to be "above" judging men's bodies. If we don't enthusiastically accept tiny dicks, we're being bad women.

P in V is fun, but maybe the least interesting thing about sex. Bodies can do such awesome things with each other. I'm not sure if I've had sex with a guy with a "micropenis" since it seems like a pretty specific term, but I've had sex with men with very small penises and it's just... whatever. Nothing to really even

About how women with small tits are a non-issue and can still find people who want to have sex with them regardless? That sounds fine.

Why is this not worthy of a Jezebel post? It's about how gender stereotypes don't actually matter to regular people. That's pretty Jezebel-worthy.

If the threat said they'll shoot up the place because the Koran says a woman shouldn't speak in public* you bet your ass it'd be taken seriously. And every talking head on the noozez would be all, "look at how misogynist those Muslims are!"

If the people directing these threats were brown and/or directed at men instead of women.. I can't help but imagine the swift retribution that would follow from Three Letter Government Agencies. This would be decried as terrorism instead of just "pissed off teenagers on the internet". There would be laws proposed