
Well, you're rolling your eyes at a strawman though. I know a handful of women who kept their names for various reasons, and not a single one of them was because of "promoting feminism" or "making a statement" or whatever. But even if it was, it would still be none of your business—and if it's not such a big deal,

I hate so much people taking selfies in museums. I was at the Met a couple of weeks ago and you couldn't take a step without bumping into someone trying to take a picture of themselves with a priceless work of art that they were ignoring in their quest to capture themselves with it. Maybe it makes me An Old, I don't

You see, when a black woman does the same thing, she's called ratchett. This girl will be on GMA, and other talk shows in about a week.

During his initial campaign for governor, Walker made it clear that he wanted to outlaw abortion even as a life-saving measure. That's right. He thinks that women who are violently hemorrhaging because their pregnancy has gone hideously wrong should be forced by law to die. Because he is a piece of shit.

Oh, come on! Other than the threat of people like me slashing your throats, is life really that bad?

This, exactly. I know myself that I'm in no way a potential rapist, but I also know that if you stand me beside an actual rapist, you will not be able to tell the difference.


Your 40 Year-Old, Male, Single, 5'10", Fit, Bald, Caucasian, Hazel-Eyed, Overeducated, Nice Dressing, Wine- and Food-Obsessed, West Loop-living Secret Admirer

Dear Single Men of (Insert Any City Here),

Right? And to everyone saying "Oh big surprise, a dude on Craigslist was a dick!", I say to you: this is a lot of dudes. Like, a lot. Who realize why you have earbuds in and don't care. Who realize why you have that scowl on your face and don't care. They think they're just that fucking special, that even though

Local Chicago woman likes to scowl at all times, gives zero fucks if you find her unapproachable.

But I can't - because you're always walking around with your damn earbuds in ("Don't talk to me!")

I would have stopped recording at that point and resumed once they were gone.

He's filming THE LOUVRE, genius. You realize this location has significance prior to Jay Z's narcissist ass arriving there, right?

"But this isn't even about gender, it's about mental illness! If only someone had gotten that poor man help in time, this unpreventable tragedy wouldn't have occurred. He's really a victim too...just think about how his life will be ruined by these charges!"

I'm also excepting to see a comment from a man asking how he can pick up women in bars in a non-creepy way. Because as we all know, nothing is more important than a man getting a date/getting laid.

My first reaction to the title of this was "and people actually still believe that women aren't justified in feeling threatened when turning down a man/warding off advances." It's framed as being innocuous flirtation and it's anything but. This is heart-wrenching. I feel so horrible for her family and friends. It is

The fact that we published this on the same night as the "No Means Yes" frat sign bullshit is sort of haunting me right now.