
Except that abortion rights are not about babies, they're about not forcing women to carry pregnancies they can't or don't want to carry. When men can get pregnant, they can have a say.

Give him a break. He's confused because he himself shits out his mouth.

" people who learn about news by watching The Daily Show and Colbert Report should not be allowed to vote (classic complaints of the bitter and unfunny)..."

It feels #fake when #people use #hashtags to #express their #feelings and #experiences, especially when there's a #crap-ton of them.

Just me?

Fuck that. She's awesome. What I hate most is that this story doesn't surprise me.

Cool rant, bro. You sound like all kinds of fun.

Yeah, we have no idea about circumcision. Despite the vast numbers of feminists who are against it, myself included. Good god, if you're going to troll at least have the decency to be good at it.

We have prioritized the female sexual experience

These are great tips for having sex on or at a woman.

I don't understand how trolls like you get out of the grays.

So why isn't it "Brainy, beautiful human rights lawyer marries Hollywood actor"? I mean, no disrespect to George, he's awesome, but seriously... SHE IS A HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER. A-list actor is certainly impressive, but... HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER, Y'ALL. She goes to bat for the oppressed and looks fabulous doing it.

And they always look so proud of themselves. They ask, "you mad?" with a big smile on their face. "Nah, just bored. You told that same joke a few days ago. Come on man, that's just lazy." It's actually been a pretty good way to keep guys from making these types of jokes around me. If I have no hope of ever changing

I had a black cop tell me that if we ignored the KKK dudes who came into town to stir shit up they would just go away and our counter-protest was just giving them legitimacy. I mean, that happened this past summer so it's not like I'm 100 years old and the KKK were new or something. I just let him rant and said "well,

I happen to know the guy who wrote that. He's exactly as awesome as you'd think. You've got good taste. :)

Did you know that kiss was without the woman's consent? She was an unwilling partner in that picture. She hated the moment, and it was not a fond memory. True story, shared here for irony lovers everywhere.

I second that "suck it" because I, too, completely rock parallel parking. I perfected how to do it when driving for an upscale airport transport service, consequently, I nearly always hit it perfect the first time. I've parallel-parked a limo. I've parallel-parked a moving van. Kiss my supposedly-no-ability-to-park

You are not funny. You are not clever. And you are not excused.

Ignoring them just gives them free rein. I wish people would give up the idea that ignoring works in anything but very specific circumstances. Most of the time, to let something be unopposed is to give permission to it.