
You know things are bad out there when I was impressed because the first guy used both versions of your/you're correctly.

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.

Well, the other thing no one says is that just because you regret not having children doesn't mean you should have had children. I am ambivalent about having children and people who (for some reason) want me to have them always threaten me with "regret." I'm always asked, "What if you regret not having them?" The

He's like a caricature. You like to believe you're exaggerating when it comes to how entitled these guys are but no. They fail as human beings because they live in a bubble of privilege and leaves normal people looking like this:

No doubt, he thinks he's quite clever. No server has EVER heard that one before.

I think it's more of:

Dude is 57. Way too old to have that many buttons undone in the Post article picture. Also way to old to be grabbing women's asses. Like 57 years too old.

"There's a chance these guys are being a bit over-sensitive..." If you think all of this is only a "bit" oversensitive, I would hate to see what you consider to be "a lot" oversensitive.

Sure, just keep on ignoring all the links and info from women responding to you and keep repeating your idiotic question. Totally worth our time. P.S. stop creeping women out on OKC.

Whether we tell the truth or not, these men will verbally abuse us (and sometimes stalk and kill us).

Dude, I don't know how else to explain this to you. It has jack shit to do with "inner strength" or "honesty." It's about protecting my damn LIFE.

Er, spewing filth at a stranger for not having your needs immediately met is more than over-sensitve. Also, there's a lot of room between being honest about intentions and assuming it's normal to tell a stranger "I need to stuff that ass with my 9-inch dick." Like, before even saying "Hi, how's it going."

I think you underestimate exactly how many messages women get on these sites…

My SIL told a guy "I don't feel comfortable after this conversation and I do not want to go out with you." His response was "You're sending me mixed signals and I don't understand what you want, why can't you just say what you mean?"

Did you see some of these responses? On what planet do people who act like that deserve any of our time or politeness? These aren't isolated incidents. These aren't a few bad apples in a barrel of awesome men. This is how women are treated when we say no. How can you blame us for attempting to avoid the shit

Maybe because when we outright reject a guy we risk becoming victims of harassment (at the mildest) or actual threats to/attempts on our lives? The problem here isn't women.

"Why are women so afraid to say "no" and instead lie to get out of a situation as quickly as possible?"

Er, did you see what happened when they actually said no?