
Or assuring them that not all of us are like that (I'm pretty sure we all know not every man/white person is like that).

It would be really amazing if, just once, a woman or person of color could tell a story about the way sexism or racism has affected them without multiple men or white people lining up to tell them that they just too stupid to realize that the sexism or racism they faced didn't actually count, because that, like,

Whoa - stop the presses.

It is if you're talking from a point of privilege and you have no notion of how your privilege defines you and your interactions with people :-) I think we have a clear example of that here.

I can't believe this needs to be pointed out to you, but not giving a shit about how your environment, that you need to live in and navigate every day, treats you, is not as easy as it sounds.

Well, sure, nobody tells me I couldn't do something because I'm a woman but I still get harassed at work and in the street and am more likely to be sexually assaulted, paid less and expected to clean and do laundry and have a baby early in order to not be considered a failure. It's not just about being told things.

Of course it's bodily autonomy. That's why abortion is a thing in the first place. Or do you think women want it so they can exercise their right to kill foetuses?

Yeah. One inequality we can't do anything about (yet). The other is entirely up to us. Bodily autonomy for all or just for men? That's up to us. One answer is equality, the other is the opposite. This is what it is. The rest is rationalisations.

We get to decide which one should trump the other, don't we? It is inequality. You may proceed to justify it however you want. But you can't change what it is.

Being pro-life automatically means you're against equality actually. People not having the same right to full bodily autonomy because of their sex = inequality.

This is like the argument that I was having with a commenter that told me that she as a White conservative knows more about racism than I do. Girl, motherfucking PLEASE.

Chirlane McCray did identify as a lesbian, but I'm not sure she does anymore. Not sure what it means, but who gives a crap? It's her identity, not anyone else's.

Fixed! That was easy—his editor must have been asleep or something.

Are we meant to consider and be sympathetic to the fee-fees of people who are too backwards and bigoted to handle the present? Genuinely confused.

My multiracial family kindly invites Cohen to kiss our multicolored butts.

I believe that she was raped as a child. Some huge percentage of women in the sex industry were the victims of sexual abuse when they were children.

So, not long after she stopped doing porn I worked with Jenna on a comic book. I met her at a convention and she was extremely articulate, funny, and sweet. She's a huge horror fan so the book we worked on was in that vein. She was easy to work with, sensible, and seemed to be doing well.

I used to watch Murder She Wrote with my mom every Sunday growing up and I couldn't figure out why people invited Jessica Fletcher to their house parties. It is cool to have a famous author at your party and all, but I would say that the fact that one of your guests was going to die would outweigh that.

She really has rose colored glasses when it comes to Cabot Cove, because they way I remember it there was a whole crapload of murder going on. In fact, everywhere she went someone was being murdered.

It's supposed to make you think about it. Just because Tolkein was sexist doesn't mean we need to make sexist movies. (In the case of the Hobbit they made up a scene with the Elf Lady so that at least ONE woman would have a speaking role.)

They're great movies, but bad at gender. You can enjoy things and also be