
My sister's going to be 13 this month, and my brother's gonna be 15 in December. I tell my sister to always stick up for what feels right to her, no matter the situation. I've had really in-depth talks with them both, but especially my brother about consent and what that means and how it works. I don't know if he's

Can we please applaud 3 News for being the kind of program that does good and helps society? These boys and the police are in hot water because of their investigation. More of this please.

Huh. I guess just walking around with a vagina is asking for it according to some people. People (both men and women) are unbearably ignorant about rape and unbelievably cruel. Seriously, why is it easier to tell a 13 year old child that she was asking to be assaulted than to actually break up a gang of criminals

Thanks for continuing to cover this, Erin. Great job.

Zealous advocacy means to represent, or advocate, with enthusiasm or zeal. It means that the attorney shouldn't be apathetic or lackadaisical.

The idea that women have zero expectation of privacy if they wear skirts is not in any way meritorious.

Actually, lawyer. It's been fifteen years but I spent time working for one of the greatest civil rights lawyers in American history. Disagreed with these kinds of defense tactics then, still do now. They're part of the reason the system is almost completely broken. But thank you for playing!

I'm just gonna copy my response to the other poster because I think it applies to what you said too:

Anything that has to do with your genitals requires consent. End of story.

Because he wouldn't be preying on anyone by watching free porn. "Creepshots" are much more about power and control than anything else.

OH OH...this is one of my favorite quotes from "Atonement."

I assume it has something to do with the fact that she likes money. Being an attorney doesn't always mean it's about morals, or pride. It often means trudging from one case to the next, you only look at the law in a vacuum, and you work for those billable hours.

The internet has a comment thread for you somewhere, I'm sure. Ask and you shall receive.

Competent representation does not mean dreaming up any fucking excuse you can to get a client off. Competent representation means making sure that the prosecutor proves the states' case, and follows the rules of evidence and procedure such that the defendant gets a fair trial. So tired of people equating competent

Listen to what happened when a girl who claimed to know a victim of the Roast Busters called a local radio station:

I just rage stroked. And the police can't be brave enough to do their fucking jobs?!

Why can't they arrest any of them? They're bragging about it, ffs.

The real problem is what cowards those rape victims are, obviously.

"Detective Inspector Bruce Scott put it this way: "None of the girls have been brave enough (emphasis mine) to make formal statements to us so we can take that to a prosecution stage."

"It's not rape,. I had sex with one girl who is 13 when i was 16.. She wanted it and thats all that matters"