
thanks, now there are these fucking tiny eggs everywhere

This is less about differing views of equality, race, and sex and a lot on basic human decency and compassion. This is news because even those of us that are totally on board with respecting different cultural takes on equality and sex are utterly shocked and appalled that the authorities didn't let this slide under

This is, by definition, news. And is equality between the genders (not to mention common-sense) a Western value now?


Yes, please provide sources for your information. Because I'm pretty sure you are full of shit. Your claims sound like you ripped them straight off of a pro-birth website that shows pictures of fake dead fetuses that are at an incorrect stage of development for their claimed age smothered in blood.

My sister was forced to carry a baby with a lethal deformity to term, and my nephew died a horrific, painful death that did not have to happen. If you think "a mother being filled with love as she holds her baby" is nice, think about this: a new born, unable to breathe or see, suffocating to death. Have you ever heard

Hello, do you like sex?

What would you call a group of people who rabidly promote a practice that disproportionally wipes a large percentage of minorities, the poor and the handicapped off the face of the planet?

No one is rabidly promoting a practice that wipes out a large percentage of minorities, the poor, and the handicapped. No one supports abortion because they are happy when it happens, and you are just trying to create boogiemen by believing it.

It doesn't matter if anyone is really going to rape her. The threat of raping someone is fucked up either way.

How did we get from my story of my former fiancee and I having to make a heart-breaking decision and ending the pregnancy because our baby would probably never make it to term, much less take a breath in this world to comparing people who make a decision like that of me and my former fiance to Hitler?! What right

Because "No disrespect, but you are all Hitler because you don't believe what I believe in" totally is?

Nope. Germany had marriage information centers that were A LOT like Planned Parenthood. They taught women about birth control and spacing births, and some even gave abortion information. Hitler shut that down fast.

People like you are the reason why I refuse to allow my future children to be raised Catholic.

The right to choose also includes the right to have as many children as a woman wants. The Chinese one-child policy and the economic realities that lead to gender-specific abortions and infanticide are anti-choice. "China" and "India" don't love abortion. Chinese people and Indian people don't all think the same way.

Did you just compare parents who prefer to give their child and themselves an easier end than go through watching it die in pain to nazis? Yes you did. That should tell you everything there is to know about your argument here. And women are gullible and brainwashed, incapable of making up their own mind about

"If I were a woman" is pointless. You don't know what you would have thought and done if you were a woman, because you don't have the experience of a woman. Anything female-oriented you're looking at through your own lense and that lacks a female filter. So you really have no idea how you would have reacted to that

You've seen sites go overboard, yes it's true that happens, but trigger warnings are in the mainstream for everyone, just in a more palatable form, i.e. advisory warnings on tv shows, movie ratings systems, etc.

No matter what you believe, you cannot know, let alone prescribe, what would be best for each parent. You may believe it would benefit a mother to hold her baby while it's dying, but that is a choice only the woman herself can make. You can never know what would give someone else closure or comfort. You just can't.

I was going to be a dad with my former fiancee until we found out, around 20 weeks, that our baby wasn't developing properly and that he would likely never survive to term, much less survive for long after birth. Do these "pro-life" folks think that by forcing the woman I loved and I to have to watch her belly grow,