
All three of them are so stunning they should go start their own planet. They will be the suns.

I'm going to agree that that's a really low bar.

You know what? You just cleared something up for me.

I'm waiting for the guys who were whining about women tricking them with extreme make-up to complain about the media tricking them into idolising an unreal ideal. Not holding my breath though.

Here's the thing: you weren't "dressing up like other cultures." You were dressing up like way oversimplified caricatures of what you thought other cultures looked like. It was apparently obvious to you that dressing up like a chef and eating pizza was a ridiculous representation of Italian culture. The same can be

Nah, I think it's high-dose near-lethal sexism aimed at women to protect and shield grown men from their own behavior. It's so enculturated that it's hard to see it but on sites like

Yeah I have no idea why people keep claiming this girl has been/will be prostituted when there's been absolutely zero evidence of such thing. It's creepy and bordering on "white slavery" hysteria.

Explain to me what evidence pointed you in the direction of child prostitution. Because I find the fact that your mind jumped there for no reason creepy as fuck.

But this is only part of the picture. There are also Roma people and communities who live in houses, in neighbourhoods with infrastructure and everything. This comments sections is good evidence that people on here know little to nothing about the Roma people living in Greece and Bulgaria and posting this picture in

Plus, for all we know the hair dye could be a part of a ritual that's deemed indispensable for the child's well-being. It's hard to imagine for people who live their lives following only rational, science-based principles and place practicality above all because that's what they've been taught and that's the main

Bulgaria has easy access to contraception, including over-the-counter emergency contraception. Where's the logic in suggesting that this is a result of some sort of war on contraception that has been lost in that country?

Having multiple children they can't take care of is a problem for people all over the world. It's not a personality flaw; it's a deeply complex issue that does not have any one solution. Condoms are great, but obviously harder to get in places with very limited resources, and they do not address every facet to the

Doesn't Planned Parenthood only exist in the USA? Or do you mean nothing like Planned Parenthood? Our healthcare system is very different from the American one and Planned Parenthood isn't a part of it.

Do they not have brains wherever you're from, dipshit?

Yeah, no. Apparently you don't understand.

This is a very intelligent comment. Not at all idiotic and reductive. Carry on.

Her home has a mud floor. I doubt condoms are her first expenditure.

As the article states and as I can personally vouch for as I worked on this case, Ms. Beltran tested negative for all drugs, other than Suboxone, before and after she was committed. She did everything right and weaned herself off it when she discovered her pregnancy. But last I checked, there's no intelligence test

Or not to seek out medical care in the first place, if you're afraid of being treated that way. Which will lead to awesome healthy babies and moms too, right?

That's just... A super excellent excuse to never tell your doctor anything that may be held against you. I can't see how this could possibly go wrong...