
Awesome. I can't stand the 2d Zeldas. This though I will love! :D

My wife and I met through a free dating site. We both had tried the pay ones before but the sites were junk. She lived in another country mind you. Only problem with online dating is most of the people are online for a reason. And usually that reason is along the lines of the are not good people to date, hence why

I haven't bought any of the DLC. The community started dying after a few weeks. and I gave up playing it.

What Destiny needs is to die. Theres nothing special about the game other then they spent 500k in advertising. So now people believe its actually good even though its not. Its like every other shooter. If anything it suffers from Titanfalls lack of gamemodes, lack of maps...etc.

Is this game any good at all? I see lots of advertising and stuff. Articles about they spent $500,000 for it and its future. Blah blah blah. But I haven't seen anyone say its the most amazing game ever. To me it just looks like another FPS really. Some people seem to have liked it but had complaints. Like 4 gamemodes

Oh wow that TOTALLY makes me care about gamerscore now!!!
::goes back to not caring::

First thing I tend to do when getting a game where you can see your character is watch the idle animations. Sometimes they can be hilarious.

Sounds about right.

Sounds about right.

The elephant over the MRI machine probably scares people more then they were before.

Sadly I hadn't read all the info about it before purchasing it or I probably would have waited until it was fully released. But yeah, it was really polished for a early access game.

I've never bought into the early access stuff until I tried the Minecraft alpha. Then I bought it some time after. Since then I put money towards Turbo Dismount... which is awesome to say the least. I also decided to buy Starbound (after trying a "demo" of it). After playing it for a week they wiped things. Then I

How is this news or even amazing? Seriously. My first playthrough I killed everyone in the game and with the follow up DLCs. Well I'd do the missions first so I could get better stuff, then kill them off. Even my dog. I doubt I am the only one that did this. So not sure why this guy is making headlines. Although my

Just so everyone knows he reenabled comments.

For some reason his eyes look sad. Like hes sad he accidently sat on and killed his furry little friend.

This is copyright infringement. Thats my moms face.

Theres a joke somewhere here about a giant paddle and being spanked.

This would make a great doctors outfit for a gynecologist.

The little ink details really make it seem more accurate.

This is SOOO fake. Angel died in the game so she couldn't logically be at this convention. Duh.