
Liliths been eating a bit more recently it seems. And no I am not sayings shes fat. Just saying shes a few pounds bigger then Lilith.

I just want to say this comment system approval thing is terrible. Its amazing how many good comments I see that NEVER seem to get approved. None of mine have been approved yet. Not sure why. Maybe have the system just block comments who have pictures included since thats what all this fuss was about to start with.

I just want to say this comment system approval thing is terrible. Its amazing how many good comments I see that NEVER seem to get approved. None of mine have been approved yet. Not sure why. Maybe have the system just block comments who have pictures included since thats what all this fuss was about to start with.

At first before reading the title I thought it was the old Sim City.

My view is simple. ITS NOT YOUR GAME. Someone(s) made this game with their vision in mind how things would start and end. So therefor the game ends how they choose for it to end. If you don't like how it ended then get over yourself. Better yet go make a game so you can have any ending you want. And you too will see

I fail to see how thats funny. Isn't that how all buses react when falling in real life?!?

AC started so well. It was a great story and game idea. The second one came along and it pulled you into the story more and you wanted more stories...more answers. Then after some expansions on the second one you got bored QUICKLY. Every game since then has felt boring and the story seems to be a mess of goo. AC has

You people apparently didn't realize this is really a prequel/reboot to the first game. So its before she became the famous Lara Croft Tomb Raider. Which is why shes "weak willed" and "doe eyed".

So wait... streamers that play music make the music industry lose money?!? Last time I heard that it was about people downloading single songs from the net. And look how that turned out, we got Itunes and now MP3s being downloaded in mass (and legally) is common.

Personally I don't watch much Twitch. Usually I watch

Yep exactly. Even though they changed it a bit the still tend to run away from players.

Some online game developers may be making changes to make things less obnoxious, but it doens't mean the obnoxious people have disappeared. DayZ anyone (or whatever its called).

As much as people like hate on Xbox (mainly because of herd mentalities), Xbox is still more affordable when it comes to alot of things. Take games with gold, unless I am mistaken you keep the games even if your gold membership expires. Where as on PS if your membership lapses your poop out of luck.

Alot of these costumes were just "meh". For example only one of the Moxxis looked good. On a side note why are half of Cosplayers asian? Is it because its in california where alot of asians live or is it because asians like Cosplay? And before someone throws the "your racist" card, my wife is asian. My question is

Some of the replies to this are ridiculous (as is the story). The movie comes out 9/11/2014. The posted happens to have a exploding building in the background. WHO CARES. Its been 13 years now. More importantly this posted has NOTHING to do with 9/11.

Should we never have exploding buildings? There are plenty of

If its anything like the new portal mod that you can buy that lets you use he paint guns... then I have no interest. It was way to short. As this mod will probably be too.

I don't understand these videos. How do most of these kids not played/seen these movies, games and tv shows? Where do they find these kids? Some island with no technology?

The biggest and most stressing thing for me is motherboards. My current one is maxed for what I have on it. I need a new motherboard. Being disabled though I get easily overwhelmed by figuring out how to get a new one and how to figure out if everything I have will work with the new one. Then of course once I get it I

The worst thing about thermal paste for me is if you get some ANYWHERE but where its not suppose to go. Cleaning it off a motherboard is a pain and tedious if you mess up. Mind you I have shaky hands because I am disabled. So far I've had to use thermal paste 3 times and never had a problem with the thing not working

I'm that guy always at Wiki because theres just to much stuff to remember to craft. And on top of that every update changes things so I have to learn new stuff and see what changed. Overall a funny honest trailer though. I wish people would realize its partially satire just as the honest movie trailers are.

Same also. While they did make some good improvments in B2, they game for me got old when DLC essentially made it a Raid boss game instead. You pay for DLC to get cool net stuff... but only good stuff is gotten if you play with other people and defeat almost impossible bosses every time. Meh.

Just give me a good fun