
*I’m not even a car guy

I just bought this 91 MR2 turbo on BaT. I’m headed to Buffalo to pick it up Friday. I’m so excited! Just wanted to share.

For this instant I feel everything is right with the world.

Take your damned star.

I get that you lift, but given your fundraising numbers, it seems fair to ask ... do you even grift, bro?

Trump’s gift to Putin!

A nice V8 is nice for 4 wheeling. Spoken as the owner of a V8 Jeep.

The comments here are kind of harsh. We were all dumb rich kids once. Who among us hasn’t totaled two exotics worth half a million dollars, fled the scene of the accident, left our passport behind in the wreckage, and had the entire incident captured on two different videos only to have them both uploaded to

Hah. I was in the Navy for 24 years, and most people I met were those who didn’t have any better options after high school, like me. Others joined because they were given a choice of military service or jail by a judge. So, no sacrifice by any means.

The sticker tells you all you need to know.

It looks very tidy and with a lot of power, a high center of gravity and a short wheelbase it certainly won’t be boring to drive.

What gets me is when people say “thank you for your service” using the same voice they use to talk about Jesus.

I never served, but the unalloyed worship of service members has always bothered me. Mainly because the kids I knew in high school who joined were pretty evenly divided between gung ho patriotic guys that went on to good careers in the military (and who deserve thanks for their service), and guys that had to choose

Two shootings still occured!? This just proves gun laws don’t work! /s

The sad thing is a seven-person domestic shooting would barely be a blip on the national radar here in the U.S.; more of a “local” news story.

Although my time in the military wasn’t too bad and I served with some great people, I also served with PLENTY of really f*cked up individuals for whom the service was a last resort in terms of finding some order, structure, and stability in their off-kilter life. It’s time for the general public to admit that not

They drive like that even if they had just rolled off the factory floor.

Wow he got off easy. If I just decided to torch a few cars parked on my street, pretty sure that’s jailtime.