I’m still questioning whether my moving into the 21st Century was a good decision or not.
Thank you for taking the time out to debunk this fellow. I’m past the point of engaging with bad faith or unresearched claims, so I just ignore them.
It’s a right wing rag with a legitimate sounding name that “conservatives” (quotations because I refuse to even insult folks with actual conservative beliefs by associating them with these idiots) use to dish out apologist BS for this administration.
I don’t think you understand what the words you’re using mean.
Who ever filled that apple cider looking jug needs to get to the doctors.
The warm heat of a dutch oven.
Keep saying “gun control” and the prices will start climbing again, dumbass.
Why is owning a semi automatic a constitutional right and not a nuclear weapon?
Yeah what a prick, trying to stop children getting shot. And yep heard all the arguments about guns, all I know is children getting regularly shot is a phenomenon unique to dumb fucking America
“Parade dead kids around”.
It’s their version of Penthouse letters.
Oh I know. I was totally not asking in good faith. It’s just so ridiculous that these gun nuts are STILL going off on how Obama tried to take their precious toys away.
The point of the comment was to talk about all his cool gun shit. Nothing more.
“Show us on this anatomically correct AR-15 where Obama touched you”
thanks Obama, for being such an anti-gun prick
it seemed less he was anti gun and more paranoid rednecks went into a panic that a democrat, particularly a black one, was going to take their guns so they ran like obedient little doggies and bought and bought. fear motivates the stupid, and it certainly did then. The joke is, that outside of a few big social issues,…
Yeah, it seems like 300+ Million guns should be more than enough guns.
It’s amazing that people who look Giuliani and Trump are confident enough to make fun of the way women look. And Hillary Clinton is far more attractive than they have ever been. Where does that kind of undeserved self esteem come from?