
Gross, aliens will be so disappointed

Yeah but let’s talk about the panel gaps

False Flag operation is usually the go-to when reality boxes them in. Looks like Alex Jones is already on it

All those people that said I don’t give a fuck that trump is a racist because the economy/stock market is roaring, wonder what they’re going to use as an excuse now for his racism?


Fuck you. He’s the one getting paid to do this piss-poor job. I thought you #MAGA shitbirds were big into individual responsibility?

Saw that, but I thought mine was a little better done. lol

Someone beat you by a minute

from a galaxie far far away

Look at him powerglide that thing around corners.

I live my life a Kessel Run at a time. Nothing else matters: not the Hutts, not the Falcon, not Chewy and all his bullshit. For those 12 parsecs or less, I’m free.

“I live my life a quarter parsec at a time. Nothing else matters, not the Empire, not the Rebellion, not the smugglers and their bullshit. For those ten jumps or less, I’m free.”

Overnight’ed from Tatooine

It’s been lowered on repulsor coils.

Is that a Harrison Ford Falcon?


Businesses have no right to appropriate quotes from civil rights or humanitarian leaders in order to pump up their brand or sell more products. People died for human rights, not to sell products. It is just fundamentally inappropriate to the point of being simply disgusting.

My friends and I are all familiar with “late King.” This ad had us shocked. And we have withstood smaller ad shocks before (like Bob Dylan allowing his first great song to be used in a Price Waterhouse Cooper ad in 1994 - possibly also a Super Bowl ad). This is 1968 King, exactly four months before he was

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