What recourse do journalists have when they’re attacked by a President with such a clear disregard for the First Amendment? Is impeachment the only option?
What recourse do journalists have when they’re attacked by a President with such a clear disregard for the First Amendment? Is impeachment the only option?
I lived under the flightpath for Hickam AFB in Hawaii for a few years in the 90s. Every so often, something would scream overhead. C5s were the worst.
I can’t believe he did that mod by himself. To me, it’s nothing that hundred men or more could ever do.
I just wish BMW would stop. I can’t keep up with their lineup.
LIke what? 1/5 of our GDP depends on this tunnel. It’s not a luxury.
Emotional response? Go ahead and point that out. I’ll wait.
MMMMHMMM. I sure do like the look of that mail truck. Mmmhmmm
It’s jot just that I don’t agree; it’s that you’re wrong.
I hate to have to point this out, but the Washington Examiner is a right wing publication, and “articles” like the one you linked are perfect examples of that bias.
You clearly haven’t met many gun “enthusiasts.” For many of them, you can never be too “prepared.”
Hear that everybody? It’s Obama’s fault that scared widdle Ted Nugent disciples loaded up their basements with guns they don’t need. I bet all the racism was Obama’s fault, too.
I was wondering when the rich would finally get a voice. Bless their hearts; they have it so rough.
Look up the case of Michael Morton and DA Ken Anderson. Corrupt DAs scare me more than almost any corrupt politician.
I’m genuinely curious what you meant by this.
Nothing is getting banned. This isn’t an attempt to conform to some scary “PC culture.” Companies are making decisions on their own to evolve with the times.
How long do you have to know Rafael or Jason before you can start calling them “Raph” or “Torch”?
Can confirm. E30’s are educational.
“Country of origin still exists”
Does Univision supply single-malt petty cash? Or are we talking Montezuma and frozen margarita mix?