Clementine Clownshoes

I like the idea of being grateful, but I feel zero compulsion to pray or participate in their rituals. I'm not going to interfere, but if people publicly put their personal faith on display they got to deal with people who sit out (but they should be too busy praying to notice).

I've gotten in several fights with people over parking in the street. My policy: it's there for everyone, and don't be a dick when parking or asking someone to move or else i'll start fucking screaming at you because I have zero tolerance for that level of entitlement.

It's probably the zinc in the diaper cream, I've had good luck with straight zinc cream. My husband says it smells terrible but I don't really notice, plus I've had huge angry zits neutralized overnight!

That's exactly what happened to me. Stressful, but really not a big deal.

No green!

I've been in some very awesome Bikram classes taught by great teachers, but the man himself is intense and super creepy. I would never take a class with him again, and everyone who's been in his room is not surprised about this.

I'd watch the shit out of that. On peyote.

I know you're in NOLA— did you ever go to the Children's Place in Esplanade Mall in the early 90s? It had kinda a built-in playground fort thing. We couldn't afford anything from there but my mom would always let me go in and play.

"I can't go out on a date with you Billy. I'm dickwashing my hair tonight."


i've come to love the crazy. I think of it as my subconscious thoughts. Freudian!

How am I stiiiiiiiiill gray?!

I would down my first glass of milk (which I absolutely hated) so I could have a second, optional glass that did t HAVE to be finished, so that I could spit out chunks of food into it. It was beef I hated most of all.

They don't teach history past the Korean War, and even then it's vague.


Sarcasm is one thing, LaComtesse is another.

Every time I go to Magic Castle I hope I see him (no such luck)

It was about the roles and representations of women in Klimt. I think.

"How do you think you all look to me NOW?"

I spent time in an apartment with just a mattress on the floor, and a table and chair. It was wonderful to have so much space and freedom, especially since I later moved into my husband's stuffed apartment.