

The Venus could have been in the wind shadow of the other yacht. In an ideal anchorage world, boats swing at similar rates on their anchor. A sudden change of wind direction will mess that up in a hurry.

Never know... Perhaps they will find a way to keep the company afloat.

Mitosis. 34 now.

Got wrote up for:

Looks as if they have already imploded.

I’m afraid my NP might have skewed the results.

Much the same way one wins at figure skating.

Now playing

Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR Merkur XR4Ti.

NP, though the fit of that driver door does look wonky.

Yep. I couldn’t remember the name... it was a few years ago. Delphi. We made the enclosures.

In other news...

Pelican Parts still lists some.

Seemed like a good idea at the time, except for the whole human in the loop thing. It is a good candidate for AI though. The drive-thru dictionary would be small enough that it is manageable.

I wish my E39 had crank windows.