
Not enough tech to keep journalists from breaking something. <seg>

If your car does recommend mid-grade gasoline, it might be cheaper for you to make your own blend of regular gas and premium gas, since mid-grade gas is just mixed at the pump. A 50/50 split between regular and premium gas is the same as the mid-grade gas, so mixing five gallons of regular and five gallons of

...anything from what all of you 10mm socket wrenches are doing now

Personally, I’d love to see a turbofan kei truck. Maybe a GE90.

Ok, the ‘combi’.

“half and half”

The CVR is chilling.

In short, if Boeing wanted to bump off someone who would make them look bad, why wait until after he’s already begun testifying against them? Surely they’d know he was testifying against them (whistleblower protections don’t extend to hiding who the whistleblower is), and he had already spoken out against them

Uh, no.

These sites went to shit after Hulk Hogan killed Gawker.


Flight safety is a cooperative endeavor.

I’m not saying that all Boeing planes are unsafe. Part of the problem is that people don’t know how to differentiate between the MAX and other planes.

The gearhead version of vegans trying to mix up concoctions that taste like meat.