
I love it!

Now playing

That’s where I went, soon as I read Tempest.

Clearance for wheelstands in case one gets over aggressive with the throttle.

Googled “Doug Nash 4+3" and this popped up:

Nothing wrong with this choice! Dad has one he used to haul Porsche parts around while shopping at the VW/Porsche swap meets.

As a long time driver of a 245, I approve of this choice. One could haul some really long fish in that one!

And don’t forget the full length belly pan for aerodynamics!

Girlfriendzilla and I were out for a ride one sunny afternoon. It started sprinkling as we were heading up Beach Blvd. Sitting at a red light, enjoying the first rain of the season. Light went green, I let the clutch out, and the bike just sat there spinning the rear wheel.

I too came looking for this. #1 without a doubt.


Many of them have acres of empty land around them.

I bought an ‘83 245 with 190k miles on it, back in 1995.

1.5 Trillion / 100 Million. Those are some expensive vehicles.

Slap a V-10 in...

Fingers crossed for the first straight up tie in NPOCP history!

wtf money and I have some 356 seats in the shed that would look good in it.

That was my thought too.

This one was pretty good too!

I was still in high school. Just got my license, driving mom’s 1966 Plymouth station wagon.