
Oh man, that sucks. I guess I got a lucky game or something.

I'd love to meet all these people who never get the super horn in first place. I get 2 or 3 a race when I'm in first.

To be fair, they might not keep him up to date on gaming news in prison.

Double Dash is the correct answer.

But Captain Falcon didn't even ask them to show their moves.

Mega Hawlucha tho.

Here's to hoping.

True. I liked the ones for Mario that made him look like older sprites though. I'm interested to see if these new recolors are in addition to the older ones, or replacing them.

Super pumped that the costumes aren't just recolors this time. Although I'll kinda be miffed if Link's costumes aren't the same colors they've always been. What a weird juxtaposition.

Infinite sold well, right? Couldn't he have leveraged some of that to at least get this game going? This just doesn't add up for me. Unless he doesn't want to completely throw 2K under the bus by coming right out and saying that they wouldn't allow anything other than a new Bioshock FPS for the Vita.

I'd honestly still find myself calling it a Nintendo. I have a terrible time ever calling anything different. I also call the Genesis a Sega. And every handheld, unless I'm talking about a few different ones at once, a Game Boy,

Sorry, the NES will always be a Nintendo to me. The SNES is Super Nintendo. Nothing they can do will ever convince me otherwise.

They mod existing GBAs. It's the same as selling one second hand.

Trust me, I cost you way more than that. Fangamer is an addiction.

don't think I've ever given nothing, but I've definitely left less than a dollar before. I had a waiter who took our drink orders and literally never came back. Everything else was another waitress or the manager. I feel that he didn't deserve anything more than a few cents. Next time I had him though, he was

So Fangamer's Chozaglyph shirt/poster but with Mother Brain instead of Ridley?

Shovel Knight. And Wii U Party if Club Nintendo will ever let me redeem my free code.

I agree for the most part. I just think that Shovel Knight feels like such a labor of love in every regard, that I can overlook it. It's not just "Hey, let's make a straight up rip-off of (insert 8-Bit game)," but an actual 8-bit inspired game that is willing to take liberties with what was possible on the system.

Shovel Knight wins for whatever it's on.