
I get super horns quite often in first place. Nowhere near as much as the aforementioned coins and bananas, but still about one a race.

It's totally Chrono's son.

Can't wait. I've been looking forward to this for ages.

Kid Icarus. Keep the base of Uprising, but give me more traditional controls for the dungeons.

I wasn't going to get this again until the E3 trailer showed what looked to be new content. I'm all about more Guacamelee.

I say this every time N64 VC talk cones up, but they need to make an N64 classic controller. The games just don't feel right with any other controller.

You have to download it through the Wii menu. They haven't made a Wii U optimized version yet, so that's the best you can do.

Sony should just go 3rd party and make games for Nintendo.

Reading comprehension is fundamental.

"Learn the trust back," eh? Guess someone at Valve isn't too familiar with super common sayings.

Can we get this with all the Padme/Anakin romance dialogue? I want to know which language is the most cringe worthy.

They also need to get on a N64 classic controller. It's nearly impossible to properly play N64 games with the current options.

I love this game, but it's so easy to get way over powered.

No. I've already had mine for ages. Haven't regretted it once. I got it and a PS3 pretty close together, so I've been more than busy with games lately.

Nope, not MM for 3DS. Mother collection.

Well, Luigi is infinitely more interesting as a character. Mario is just generic, while Luigi has actual personality. I'm all for more Luigi games if we get to keep exploring his mind.

The Year of Luigi lives on!

I like that he seems to be breaking from the No More Heroes kick he's been on. Every game since the first NMH just seems like more of the same, but more over the top.

Can't freaking wait for Nintendo's Digital Event. I don't even care about anything else at this point. If I don't get anything visual from the Wii U Zelda though, I'll be gutted.

They're working hard to make me believe this will be the last Uncharted. I almost feel like it may be.