
So the Cuphead developers are making it in Unity. There must be a Wii U version.

Not to worry, there are enough non-horrible people there who I can vent with in some free moments. Just that the people in my actual department are the worst people in the world.

Nope. Just far enough away from Pittsburgh to get back to the conservative areas.

Bozos are who.

That's what the last year and a half were. I've honestly just given up on them and would prefer to not engage.

I'm honestly surprised they even tolerate any games. The older guys at my store think any game whatsoever is for children.

Trust me, I wouldn't be there if I didn't need to be.

I can only imagine how much worse stuff like this is for you.

Thanks. If anything, it gives me more of a reason to get out of there. So at least there's that.

Ugh, don't remind me. The crystal awakening was the WORST.

I've been failing the patriarchy for ages. Prekindergarten days were filled with me playing with my sweet tea set.

I work at a grocery store. The post college job hunt has been rough. But yeah, I work with the kind of people who thought our manager was legitimately gay, not just a loser like I an, because he has a lisp.

Trust me, I don't dare let stuff like that slip at work. I already spend 8 hours in silence a day, I don't want to be harassed the entire time too. I got it bad enough when they found out I went to a Lady Gaga concert.

All my regular street passers around here play it too. If it's not an FPS or Dark Souls though, my coworkers think it's irredeemably lame.

The fact that I'm being called "gay" in the sense of "you're a freak" kinda sucks. The people doing it are just all around horrible people, but it still hurts being ostracized for something as trivial as a game I play.

The kind of people who, no lie, have said the world would have been better off if Germany had won World War II.

So me every day at work? It's wonderful being surrounded by CoD/Battlefield discussion all day and being called gay because you're playing Bravely Default.

Trying to fill out the Pokédex in Y (still), some Crashmo & Pictobits here and there, maybe The Last of Us (finally). Oh, and 1001 Spikes. I still need to try that one.

Yep. They ran into some issue with release BS right before the original date and just got it sorted out.

Backed this ages ago. I'm going to be thrilled if the 3DS version gets funded.