I love that the Year of Luigi is such a thing now. I don't think anyone could have realized the life it would take on when it was announced by Nintendo.
I love that the Year of Luigi is such a thing now. I don't think anyone could have realized the life it would take on when it was announced by Nintendo.
Oh, I got Ni no Kuni at launch. It's an absolute steal at $4.99. If I hadn't picked it up already I'd be all over it.
Theoretically yes. Nothing that grabs me though. Mass Effect almost did, but I just don't have the time for that.
It's on my (seemingly) never ending list. I've been trying to keep up with current releases as much as I can and just picking up older releases when I can.
Ugh, all this extra crap though. Do I really need to get the French and Spanish multiplayer packs AND some movie things? I just want the damn single player.
I've gotten to do that a lot with PS3 stuff. It's wonderful getting a console right at the tail end of its lifespan.
I'm still bummed that Yuga wasn't female.
Yes. Downloading it as we speak.
And I am thrilled about it.
Nice pick me up after the underwhelming RPG flash sale.
If he isn't a DLC character then I have no faith in the world. I need to see him spearing dudes in half.
The freeware version of this was really good but rough. I can't wait to get into this version
They could've just slapped a secondary mutation on him like they did Kitty. I mostly just want more Pyro in the movies.
I think there was exactly one mention of his name, when Bishop asks for some fire in the final battle of the future bits. I thought all the new future X-Men were completely underdeveloped, but that's a whole other reason to complain.
I'd rather they just save him for Apocalypse then. Like you said, showing him & Magneto working with the X-Men would have been far more compelling a story than "Here's a new guy we'll barely name!"
Forever mad that they used Sunspot in Days of Future Past instead of Pyro. Why use an established character when you can just use an all new fire guy?
It was just a quarter pounder with mayo, onion, and tomato. But man is that combo delicious
Moment of silence for that blessed creation
I'm loving it. If nothing else, it allowed me to experience Earthbound for the first time. I always held out hope that it would see a real rerelease one day, so I didn't download a ROM. I happened to be off from work the day it released, so I ran to download it as soon as I could. It lived up to the hype and then…
Lotta Chuck E. Cheese's haters in here. I haven't been to one in ages, but I have fond memories. Best to leave them alone though.