
So is Transistor a timed exclusive for PS4? I hate playing stuff on my PC and I don't have a PS4, but I can't seem to find anything about it otherwise.

It's really perfect for the modern era. Wii Sports style table tennis for grandma, FPS for the bros, endless runner for the kids, and artsy fartsy story game for the indie crowd. You hit all the markets in one game.

I mostly pre-order games I know I'll want when I know I have the money. The bonuses are just that. Nothing that makes me go out and pre-order, but it's nice to get some stuff when I did. If I don't want it, oh well. If I do, great.

But how long until games start segregating major characters or important sequences between editions, with the explicit implication that you're meant to buy multiple copies of the game, like some form of expensive digital gashapon?

Thought my username was in the first three words. Immensely disappointed that I wasn't cited.

Child of Light is beautiful and wonderful and everything good in the world. Plus it's out for everything.

Finally working on Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut. That and The Starship Damrey. And hopefully Shovel Knight if they ever want to freaking release it.

They shouldn't bank on someone only buying it for Pokemon, but it's never a bad idea to get a big game onto your console. Like I said, they might be on the fence about getting a Wii U, but an honest to goodness Pokemon game on the console might be the tipping point.

Same. I have so much stuff from Humble Bundles that I just don't think I'll ever play because I don't like playing on a PC much.

I know people who bought a Wii U just to play Earthbound. Granted it works out to about as much as one pays for a copy of EB on eBay these days, but the point stands. One game can be the tipping point.

Super confused as to why Child of Light came to the eShop but this isn't. I'm getting it regardless, but I'd love to have this for the Wii U.

Just put out an HD Yellow remake that looks just like the cartoon. People will crap. Throw in the random stuff from the show, Sandshrew kid, Pinsir Samurai, etc., and it'll sell like hotcakes.

I mean because they didn't do the third for X/Y yet. I figured the R/S remake was coming, just not for at least a year or two.

Very true. I mean, not like a lot of people would skip a Pokémon game anyway, but it definitely keeps of the fatigue.

I didn't realize that FireRed came out before Emerald. I thought that they had always finished out a generation before they did the remake.

Well crap. This is kinda out of nowhere. Guess this means no Z version.

I almost picked it up about a month ago for the extra Wiimote. Super glad I held off now. Plus I'll get the points for the digital deluxe promotion. So thrilled.

Thank goodness I haven't jumped on Wii Party U quite yet.

Can't freaking wait. I've yet to truly dislike any of the Star Wars movies, and I'm sure this won't break the trend.

I absolutely hate that the boss names didn't display in The Wind Waker. I can never remember what any of them are called.