
Generally speaking, I don’t vote based upon celebrity endorsements or even party affiliation (though, I’ve, of late, made exceptions to that since one party seems incompetent and the other party doesn’t care about objective reality so you pick your poison...). However, I do vote based upon what a politician says and

If they want to come to my house and watch me come out, in my boxers, during my lunch break from my remote working and drop my mail-in ballot in my mailbox, I’d be glad to oblige for a pay-for-play fee of $10,000. I’ll even put up some local city council lawn signs to gussy up the place for them. For an additional

I live in a small suburb in Los Angeles county.  I’d get more precise, know.  I will state this one clue:  A Federation starship is named after this city.

I don’t know how it is in Texas, but here in California (at least, my chunk of it), that area between the sidewalk and the street (where the guy is trimming the tree in the picture at the top of this article) is the responsibility of the city. I live in a part of town (Los Angeles suburb) in which the city governs

All I do is lay in bed all day and listen to “Air Supply”. Granted, I’m probably from another generation; certainly before the ubiquity of dating apps. I allow myself one day of that before going on with my life. Thankfully, I haven’t had to do that in well over two decades.

That has to be one of the most entitled things I have ever heard come from a human mouth. Seriously, the guy is literally “entitled”. Now that he has to be addressed in a manner slightly closer to the rest of us among the unwashed masses, he squeals like a stuck pig. Where’s my pitchfork?

To be perfectly honest, I never checked the accreditation of the school I did my undergrad at. It didn’t occur to me to do so and I’m sure I even knew accreditation was a thing when I applied decades agp. Then again, I attended UCLA so I kind of took it for granted that it was on the up and up and not some random

I get what Oz is saying, but that’s still super-gross and, yeah, I’m OK with getting dragged for judging. Just because it’s biologically “fine” and not illegal doesn’t mean it’s any less icky. If I’m looking at my family tree on a monitor and I don’t need to scroll to see your name, we’re too close. There are

Celebrity beefs tend to be messier than the aftermath of lunch at Taco Bell. I try not to get involved in either, know...moth to a flame...

Ah, Blake Masters...Peter Thiel’s acolyte who thinks Democracy has run its course, but is too polite to say it...

It’s just a matter of time...literally.

We’re talking about Richard Spencer. The Richard Spencer. The guy who the mainstream media touted as the new, stylish face of the alt-right. They helped legitimize him. He coined the phrase “Alt-Right”. There is no more prominent member of the alt-right than Richard Spencer. I very much doubt he became a white

Maybe one preferred bullets and the other preferred machetes...

I don’t know whether or not Spencer no longer subscribes to white nationalist ideology (he probably still does...that’s my guess) but this is not a valid argument for that claim:

Give the man a break.  As a fellow veteran of the 80s Cola Wars, I still have the occasional flashback.  Fizzy drink CEOs were dropping like flies... The horror...  The horror...

There you have it, peeps.  Every one of them a magnificent specimen of the master race...

I’m hoping it dislodges that stick he’s got perpetually stuck up his ass.

He’s embracing that queer biker aesthetic. I think his love of MILF porn was just a desperate cover for his true longings. Just be yourself, Ted. You’ll be happier and probably live longer.

The guardrails of democracy that we have place such unfounded faith are about as strong as tissue paper because there are no real, enforced penalties for testing them. Any force put upon them stronger than a gentle breeze causes them to fray. They’ll fail a the worst time in the near future. Republicans are relying on