
Since this is Texas we’re talking about, let’s bring up something that’s been in the news far too often. Near as I can tell, drag shows don’t usually randomly appear out of nowhere and, if they do, I can comfortably walk away if I’m not in the mood for a great show. Mass shootings DO randomly occur with no notice and

As I recall, Jennifer Connelly’s character, Penny Benjamin, was mentioned to be the daughter of an admiral in the first Top Gun movie back in 1986. Now, it’s fairly common (certainly requires no stretching of the imagination) for very high ranking officers to become CEOs or lobbyists (for defense contractors) after

I don’t know if it’s racist, but I certainly find spam offensive. Unless it part of musubi, I can’t stomach it. It’s like, it’s made of all the leftovers of the animal that nobody wanted to eat...

The whole furry thing is something I just don’t understand on a fundamental level. You do you; live your best life the way you want to live it as long as it’s not hurting anybody. I’m just not going to pretend I get it. I think it’s weird, but I also think people who obsess over professional (and non-professional)

Get rid of all the hospitals. No hospitals, no hospital shootings...huh? Amirite?

That’s OK. We had a good run. I have to admit that I’m a little sad to see us go, but we weren’t terribly efficient. At 50% of our (straight people) marriages ending in divorce, you really can’t say it’s been an unmitigated success when the outcome is an even toss-up. Maybe non-straight marriages have a better success

Elon? Glad you could make it to our little corner of the free marketplace of ideas. How do you plan to innovate sexual harassment? Bartering for horses, maybe?

They say this every time, yet they never seem to be able to find the time. When is the time? Let us know and we’ll mark it on the calendar. Otherwise, just say never and we’ll plan accordingly.

You can take the boy out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the boy...

This country has an appetite for self-destruction. Be it climate change, sensible gun legislation, abortion access, funding for childhood programs, or a social safety net, we just do not care. It’s weaved into our very culture of hyper-individualism and reverence for violence as a means of resolving problems. It’s

I read this as a kid. It pretty much cleared up every question I had about time travel and meeting yourself. Yes, it does delve into THAT.

You’re correct.  I mean the testimony brought forth on a number of occasions in court makes them seem like terrible people.  The case itself wasn’t about that.

I thought it was settled via prior court cases that they were both terrible and abusive people who aren’t fit to be with other people, much less someone as explosive as themselves. Are people seriously saying it’s 100% one or the other? That’s lunacy. They’re both abusers and they’re both victims. They both need lots

I’ve had Game Pass for about 2 years now (I bought it when I realized I was going to have 2-3 hours extra per day due to the pandemic; you know, saved commuting time due to working from home and a, shall we say, more unorthodox dress code). I got the Game Pass and beefed up my Steam library a bit. I haven’t played

Not that I’m saying you should run out and by one, but some Teslas do have all wheel drive. It wouldn’t be my first choice for a more serious situation, but if all wheel drive is just a checkbox the next time you’re buying a car, certain Teslas fit the bill. That being said, I wouldn’t want to support Musk by buying a

No, just own it. You did say that to minimize the issue, you heartless troll.

The man needs a better PR team. That is among the worst non-denials I have ever seen.  I get that he does his own PR, but...ewww, that’s terrible by any measure.

Someone who wants to try out some digital monkeypox.

It’s my general impression that both Depp and Heard are emotionally and physically abusive people who are broken inside. They’re probably terrible in relationships and downright explosive when combined.

Enjoy that brain drain in the near future, Oklahoma. There are going to be a lot of very gifted young women and men who have zero desire to be a part of your collective nonsense and will signal their displeasure with the feet and their money.