Encouraging scientifically-backed vaccination: not my job. Spreading baseless doubt about the seriousness of COVID-19: definitely my job. - King James
Encouraging scientifically-backed vaccination: not my job. Spreading baseless doubt about the seriousness of COVID-19: definitely my job. - King James
The day will come when seeing a stick shift vehicle is going to be like being confronted with the riddle of the Sphinx. Even today, it’s like looking at a WWII jeep.
My metal coffin has more metal than your metal coffin!
I like to think it was his dad’s.
OK, I’ll admit I’m not familiar with Woodley’s oeuvre. I know she was in the divergent movies (or whatever was the name of that YA post-apocalyptic franchise) and that she decided to jump ship when there was talk about the third and final movie being on TV or something. Other than that, I don’t know much about her,…
I understand that and I addressed it at the time that just because someone finds it funny doesn’t mean it should be normalized and it’s not like EVERYONE on set might have liked it. There are PLENTY of things in the past that everyone thought was funny and OK, but aged like milk. I’m sure we can ALL think of some of…
What a change. Years ago there was an article of Jezebel about how Chris Pratt thought it was hilarious when he would just be randomly buck naked with his wang out on the set of “Parks and Recreation” for a laugh despite how weird it probably made people feel. I, and others, basically stated Pratt was doing some shady…
News Flash, Elon! They already come for a fair chunk of my money. It’s called taxes. You should try paying your fair share sometime. It probably won’t hurt you nearly as much as it hurts the rest of us. The rest of us, however, see the value in paying taxes in order to have a functioning society instead of hoping to…
There is a zero percent chance I’d walk away from my first attempt at this with both my rear-view mirrors. There’s also a zero percent chance I’d walk away from my 50th attempt at this with both my rear-view mirrors.
The law is the law. Fair or not, it’s what we’re dealing with. I hope the Munoz family takes the Khuri for as much as they can claw out of them in civil court. The father, James Khuri, of the teen, has an arrest record from 2019 for domestic violence charges. My guess is the teen is learning some really bad lessons…
Us olds have this saying “You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. We can debunk all the lies and deepfakes in the world with facts, logic, empirical evidence, science, and even common sense, but if the person you’re telling all this to simply does not want to believe it, then your time was utterly…
That’s what I fear. There is no truth any longer. Truth is negotiable and reality is what you can make people believe. This is a Pandora’s Box that has no bottom and could be so disruptive, in the wrong hands, that it can break society as a viable construct. I have, on my desk, a machine with the power to remake the…
Welcome to our post-truth dystopian reality. I was discussing this (not the porn part, but the political ramifications) over dinner with the family last Friday and told them the first time that I saw a deepfake used to affect politics (though I’m sure it wasn’t) was as a plot device in the 1987 film “The Running Man”. …
Peanut butter is a plasma with moderate viscosity.
Team “Drive it into the ground” all the way, my friend.
I don’t want to bad-mouth anyone’s choice to buy a brand NEW car, but I’m never buying one again. Bang for the buck, used cars just make so much more sense for me. I haven’t driven a brand new car off a lot since 1999. The only way I would is if there are MASSIVE subsidies on a brand new electric vehicle (I currently…
I love Contrapoints/Natalie Wynn’s work (yes, I know she’s been “cancelled” a few times and there are elements in the LGBTQ community that consider some of her material problematic). I can’t believe I’ve found her work just a month and a half ago. I’ve since seen all the videos she has on YouTube and became one of her…
I have no doubt she had a meager upbringing. By her own account, it was a story of deprivation with no phone, water, or electricity in the abandoned gas station her family lived in. The problem is that it is HER story. Her mother and step-father have filed documents in court showing they paid the phone, water, and…