Orange juice and rubbing alcohol.
Orange juice and rubbing alcohol.
The entire Greek system’s time has come and gone. Maybe one time they served some purpose other than propping up a decaying system that advantaged some at the expense of others. However, it’s pretty obvious that whatever dubious utility they once served is outweighed by the negative impacts, such as sexism, misogyny,…
Everybody in this story is awful and problematic. No heroes here; every one of them is reeking with privilege with no sense of self-awareness. None of them is competent enough to find their ass with both hands. HOWEVER, that highlighted part is GOOD and should be etched into the man’s gravestone along with every…
I don’t “kind of” feel that way. I DEFINITELY feel that way. If you don’t want to practice your craft the way a medical professional should, you shouldn’t be a medical professional. Period. Full stop. No exceptions unless you have a verifiable medical exception requirement. We need to stop coddling these people.
When I first heard this explanation, years ago, for why evangelicals love to slobber all over the state of Israel, I thought it was a ridiculous theory. I mean, it’s about as stupid an explanation as I’ve seen on the internet. Surely, nobody is really that delusional. I thought it was just virtue signaling on the part…
Popeye’s is good. I’ve recently taken a liking to Church’s bourbon chicken. It’s got a nice tangy taste and their glazed biscuits are exquisite.
When my daughter was doing her undergraduate studies, she went to school a few miles from where I worked. We had a tradition that we’d meet once a week for lunch (usually a Wednesday or Thursday depending on her academic schedule that quarter). She’d choose the place and I’d spring for lunch; it was the highlight of…
Not this Kang. I was on Rigel VII at the time.
Easy now...let’s not say things we can’t back up...
Looks like walking over a subway grate with these heels is a recipe for broken ankles. When the zombie apocalypse comes, I predict there will be zombie armies wearing stripper heels by day 2.
No scammers. I know what I’ve got.
It’s about $69.95 too expensive...
I want to see a car that’s all grille. I don’t mean just the front, I mean ALL of the exterior. It’s heading there so, someone, just make it happen and be done with it.
We’ve all been there. There have been many times on long hikes when I’ve thought to myself: “Y’know what would just make this a much more pleasant experience? Some ventilation on the old ass cheeks”.
Before clicking on this article, I had briefly glanced over the shoe while looking at other articles on the site and thought it was fugly. After clicking on the article and realizing the shoe is a Croc, I now think it’s twice as fugly.
I don’t know...I’m going to need to see some testimonials...