
As a former Hawai’i resident, I wanna say with all the authority I can muster skip the convertible, especially if you are from Ohio. You’ll burn to a crisp in about 2 mins. The only people who drive convertibles are tourists on day 1 and most of them look like they have sun stroke. Taco is the way to go or a minivan

At least they did the Italian Job in Italy this time...

I live in Massachusetts. Romney will adapt to whatever the situation is to get the job done, i.e., get elected. Obviously, he’s just obsessed with being president.

The Ann Coulter live show is off to an amazing start.


Cool, this is the second time I’ve been featured here for a bubble trick of mine. 

That’s a really big c-pillar and likely some hefty blind spots.

Well yea if you want to get technical about it the kid wasn’t trying to be racist. They were clearly succeeding at it!

And it’s not just rakes. Some Finns are showing how they vacuum the forest to really get the job done.

I still like the idea floated around by various people, that each reporter called on should begin their question with, “Jim Acosta wanted me to ask you...”

Well, if they’re worried about people throwing rocks, maybe it’s best they didn’t send Marines. A group of bored Marines inevitably leads to Marines throwing rocks at each other to pass the time.

Especially the b) question there. Nothing weirds me out more than seeing a Go Fund Me account for someone’s surgery but it’s even more depressing when it’s a vet who you would think is entitled to a lifetime of healthcare.

B. Engine/Drivetrain/Fuel I can't stop saying "ISIS ISIS BABY" in my mind.

I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free.  Fucking Vanilla ISIS.

It’s unnecessarily confusing, IMO.

Roadblock Rebecca let’s Thomas, Percy, and Gordon pass, but she blocks Tyrone. “Diesel engines can’t go down this track”, she hisses “It’s for coal engines only.” Tyrone calmly explains that his shed is next to Percy’s. Uh Oh, Rebecca has called Sir Topham Hatt. “I’m calling the Controller”, She wails.

“SeminoSheDidnt” was the one that got me.  Had to put my phone down for a minute.

If we built a particle accelerator the size of the solar system we would probably learn that the Big Bang was originally caused by us colliding particles in a particle accelerator the size of the solar system

I was raised a southern Baptist and one thing that always stuck with me from the time I was a kid until this very moment is: Why are we supposed to matter?