
It’s just another doe for you and me in paradise.

Chuck Norris wishes he was Chuck Yeager.

I’ve had this exact conversation with a colleague when I was working in collegiate athletics. My boss was arguing that Coach A (a man) should have gotten an open coaching job at another school. The job had gone to a Coach B, woman with a few years’ less experience (but still totally qualified for the job). My boss was

Sen. Graham needs to smile more.

It’s been a rough few years.  But i work full time, i own my own (brand new!) home, and my cat still likes me... so i just keep on keepin on.

I would love to see what the dog that runs out of the store does next. 

As a straight, white male, I recognize the privilege that I was born into. I’ve never pulled a “#notallmen” out of my pocket on women of Splinter or Jezebel because that’s not constructive, and it’s not how to be the best ally I can be. And, frankly, I’m sure I’ve engaged in “locker room talk” in my younger days that

America. ARE YOU LISTENING? Long live the roundabout. I for one look forward to the day we have “magic” roundabouts.

“I just want a fair process where I can be heard,”

Boy, the toadstools come out quick after a big rain down there. 

Hi, North Carolinian here who’s been doing some relief work down East over the last few days. Like all natural disasters, this one has a political character, and will disproportionately affect those less well-off. In Eastern North Carolina, that means Black and Latinx people will bear the brunt of Florence’s impact —


“He’s reaching for his bootstraps! I think he’s gonna pull out a knife!”

So would Frozone make a good Mace Windu or is that too on the nose?

Pretty sure that’s the Brexit proposal.

kid is special.  keep that one. 

Dialogue between me and my four year old.