
Look at this middle-aged white guy. Standing there smiling, shoving our face in his middle-aged whiteness, just a month after a middle-aged white guy killed 59 people in Las Vegas.


At least he wasn’t screaming along with a certain NWA song...

Cisco— you are my soulmate lol

Hey, I used to date an illegal Australian chick who overstayed her visa by like two years. She just wanted out of Australia and marriage to an American (for citizenship of course).

From what I gather, there are millions of dumbasses out there who are quite concerned about Pedro and his lack of education getting their jerbs.

Nope, wrong franchise.

You’re not thinking about it from a real, historical aesthetic perspective. Back in the day, that basket handle wing and wheel combo was just as “boy racer” relative to the other cars as the CTR is today. Look at the madness and complication of surface on a typical Lexus- to differentiate styling beyond the norm,

“You know who already has an all vegetarian diet? Cows.”

Also Big Trouble in Little China

18,161,145,288 yottajoules.

Of course!

You guys missed the critical part of the requirements:

The one lynx didn’t accept the other lynx’s invitation on Lynxed-in. Lynx are big networkers.

Guys, do an article on the fact that GoPro stole this footage from another YouTuber without permission and the fact that it was sponsored by Suburu as well. The entire comment section is blowing up about it. Here is the original Devinsupertramp video -

They already had a good successor, having Short Round evolve to take Indy’s position would have been nice development that would made him more thean a rather unfortunate Asian comedic sidekick.

The surface area of a trailer is way too small to generate any meaningful power for propelling a 80k lb vehicle (need 130kW at 65mph and flat grade, 300kW at 2% grade). Even if only using PV for hotel loads (AC, fans, lights) the extra energy is relatively tiny compared to the cost of getting that energy from PV

He looks like he’s being played by Martin Short in a shitty comedy about his own life.

I can’t believe we live in a world where the “dude, you’re getting a Dell” guy is more elegant and thought provoking then the president. And I by no means any offense to the Dell guy, but I feel like the president should be a notch or two above him in decency...