
The problem is that the internet, or at least the access to it, is controlled by businesses, Verizon, AT&T, Spectrum (formerly Time Warner).

Pretty sure that’s how nuclear wars start.

I went the other way on this plan: why would Russia agree to provide China with anything on an ongoing basis if not for the ability to then withhold it in the future (a la Eastern Europe and natural gas)?

When the “Big One” finally comes, California will be fine as everything east of the fault drops into the Atlantic Ocean.

Fly, yes. Land, no.

You were not put on this Earth to “get it.”

Those were totally buttons. He’s just screwing with him.

“He thought it was weird, however, that that part *did* mention him.”

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

I am hoping that before they left, the Obama’s installed in the White House three animatronic ghosts programmed to visit Trump on Christmas Eve.

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”.


2001? Nah.. I’m thinking they have a Lego fan

I thought we called it Takata Airbag

Rachel, you posted THE gif. Not anything to add except you the woman!

Tillerson: In my first act as Secretary of State, I would like to announce a new initiative to promote economic opportunity in the Congo.

Yeah - she’s all like “Come at me, birch!”